Chapter 1 : Newspapers and caffeine

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1944, Sheffield,UK

Staying in bed for the better part of the morning has not always been part of my routine. But three months into the engagement I had realised Thomas was at his crankiest in the morning.

Being that I have always been cheerful and upbeat in the mornings, our exchanges were not the most pleasant. Still, I tried to gather myself and make the best of our mornings but quickly "our" turned into "mine".

So I lay in bed until the clock hits 9 AM - sometimes if I feel like it I'll stay until 10 under the sheets - waiting for his departure.

Thomas is not a bad man. He comes from a good family, well-respected and a very good reputation. This relationship is all my mother wanted for me, so I bite the bullet and try to see the glass half full. But Thomas and I are not the perfect match alas. So the mornings are lonely, and the nights as well. When I pictured myself later on in life as a little girl, this was not the life I'd imagined. I can at least find comfort in my afternoons that I get to spend surrounded by writers and inked-stained pages.

Aurora got up from her side of the bed, the sheets were wrinkled and still carried the smell of her slumber, the other side - where Thomas slept - was already neat and tidy. Almost immaculate as if he'd spend the night out. Thomas liked his bed done the second he got up, almost sociopathically folding the sheets, arranging the pillows into place. He didn't care for Aurora's tendencies to sleep in, so he settled on making his own side of the bed in the morning, leaving her to tend to hers - which was something he rather too accommodated with. 

The young woman stretched her limbs as she walked to the bedroom window and opened the curtains letting the morning light in.

After Thomas leaves for work and I find myself comfortably alone, I like to wander around the house. His family being filthy-rich - they simply owned the town - they had arranged for us this gigantic house to live in after getting engaged. It was nothing like I had been used to growing up. Big ceilings that made me feel smaller than an ant, wooden windows from which I could only contemplate the life I didn't have. Almost enough room to host an entire marching band. This house was so big and yet felt so empty. The only place I could ever find comfort in was the balcony. It overshadowed a busy Sheffield street. I liked that I could hear the city waking up, the engines and newspaper sellers down below. It was a reminder that anyone could fit in here, that I could fit in. The balcony was the only place I could ever write. I'd feel alone and focused enough to manage inking my pages.

Walking into the kitchen for the first time of the day, Aurora grabbed a mug out of the cupboard and poured herself some coffee that Thomas had made earlier for the both of them. She didn't care for black coffee, Aurora liked the sweet things in life. So she diligently added a generous amount of milk in her dark-colored drink and two sugars. As if she had done this a thousand times, still stirring her morning coffee, she walked herself over to the balcony to take in the morning rumbles of the street.

She liked being up here, she played little games such as trying to predict where the man with the suitcase would turn, and when he would, in which way. Or how many newspapers the little kid had sold already. The newspaper delivered earlier this morning to the doorstep was laying neatly on the table in front of her. Thomas had put it there, knowing she would want to read it. The luxurious lifestyle that Thomas could afford included getting the newspaper delivered every morning at their house and Aurora could never get used to it, she felt ashamed for the poor kid having to come up all the way to the house for one newspaper. She felt even worse for him for having to interact with her partner.

After reading the main pages, she came across an advertisement. It was for a pen pal program for soldiers. She read the lines lazily, not really driven to gorge on information this early. A deafening bang ripped the entire house for its comforting silence and Aurora from her daily daydreaming. As she stepped back inside, with a concerned face, strangely unsettled by whoever was standing behind her door, she walked over and painfully grabbed the nook.

A/N: hello beauties! we're excited for you to get to know Aurora better as our story goes! this is the very first time i'm writing a story so all of your comments and reactions are more than welcome! love y'all xo

A Soldier's Angel // buckyxstevexocWhere stories live. Discover now