Someone is back

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Patricia's PoV
Me and Eddie walk hand to hand in the house.Then we saw someone.It was NINA and AMBER.I am so happy becouse they are there.
"So Amber how was in fashion school"-I ask Amber.
"Good"-she replay,"but I miss you all so I come back
"And how was in America,Nina"-I ask Nina.
"Great",but I miss you all so I come back."-Nina tells
Joy:ok so lets unpack!
When I come back I saw Eddie kiss K.T.
How could you-I shout and ran in my room
Joy hug me and tell me that everything will be fine.
"How it can be fine Joy"-I cried.
"He kiss her and we are over"-I continued
"After all what he told me he do that"-I cried.

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