Parte Un!

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AAARRRGGHHHHHH!!!!! A stool flew across the messy, overturned room. Oh Min Sung screamed in frustration. "ALL THESE GODDAMN DEBT COLLECTORS UUUGGGHHH!!"

She tossed her blanket and thrashed her pillows angrily. "First, I get duped by some bratty lil kiddo, then I'm fired from my waitress job. And now the bloody collectors start leaving garbage on my doorstep. To top it all, Jae Woo hasn't come back with the food yet. Aiissh..... Did I kill someone in my previous life or something?" Min Sung flails around in her bed, whining like a small kid.

**stomach growls**
"JAE WOO! WHERE ARE YOU!" She screams.

Just then, her mobile vibrates. "Now what? Why's this on silent? Tch." She flips her phone open and reads the text.

Jae Woo : Sorry but im gonna take a few more minutes. I met Eunju and im walking her home! :D :D

"O....." She sighs and looks at the time. 7:38. She decides to take a walk and puts her jacket on. Since she'd be back in just a few minutes, she leaves her mobile. She steps outside, but runs back in and grabs her phone just a minute later.

Min Sung's PoV

Even though it was the beginning of summer, the wind was still a bit chilly. Good thing I brought my jacket along. I remember Jaewoo's text and sigh. "Ah that boy... Sees his crush and forgets about me and the food.. Damn. What kind of guy forgets about food when he sees a girl? Tch. Kids these days...

I kick a small rock and watch it roll down the slopy road. It makes a repeated 'tuk tuk' sound while rolling down in the silent evening. The area that I live in is pretty much 'rural'. Like, I reach school in about an hour an half at the least. And the people around here are like scared mice and living corpses. Which explains the silence. I live here because I can only afford the little apartment here. Well, not exactly an apartment. Anyway, it feels cozy even though its small.

The pepple stops falling downhill and its silent again. I move my eyes upwards and see a man in a suit get out of a black car that I apparently hadn't noticed.


Now, I've been living in this neighborhood for quite a while and I can sense danger with one look. And from the aura that the man there was giving out, I knew I should just turn around and get away. But for some reason this time, I ran and ducked behind a garbage dump. I didn't know what and why I was doing this. Just sudden and 'overwhelming' curiosity - something completely new to me.

The man looked around first and reached into his coat pocket. Oh my gosh! Is he going to pull out a gun like in those movies?! Is there gonna be some kinda mafia fight here!? I thought. My imagination died down when I saw that it was just a cellphone. The man started talking and looked around again, a bit nervously this time. Then, he put the phone away and walked slowly towards a small wooden crate a little away from his car. Is this some drug dealing? Are there drugs in that crate ir simething? I wondered, my imagination running wild again. Suddenly, I heard a shout and snapped back to reality. I looked back up and this time, tge man in the suit was hurriedly trying to get to his car looking scared. As he reached the middle of the road, a group of other men came running and started beating the man with bats and fists. The man in black fought back for a while, but was soon outnumbered as a few more others came into the fight.

My brain wasn't able to really think of anything to DO, than to just sit in the dark corner and try not to scream out.

The 'group' went away, leaving the poor man on the ground, covered in blood. And NOW my legs started moving. On their own. I ran down the hill towards the injured man. "Ahjussi, are you okay!?" I shouted thrice. Did he die? I threw that thought away when I saw the man try getting up. From his car, I saw, another man came out. Right as I reached them, I tripped on the little rock i kicked from before and tumbled forwards. Luckily yet unexpectedly, the one who came out from the car caught me and I was saved from my skull being cracked. However, I paid no atrention at all to my 'savior' and ran towards the injured oerson on the ground groaning.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2015 ⏰

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