Chapter 12: Seeing is Believing

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Kaitlyn slept through the wake up bell. She realized she was half an hour late for class, and made a rush to the bathroom, only to find her friends all sitting at their usual table by the window.

"Mum said we could take the day off after yesterday'" Richard explained.

Her tension relieved. She didn't like being lat for anything, much less class, so that was nice. Having a day off was nice too.

"She also said to let you sleep," Taylor noted, "how are you feeling?"

Kaitlyn raised a suspicious eyebrow at this. "What do you mean?"

"Did you have the dream too?" They clarified.

She nodded. There was no doubt at all about what they must be talking about.

"So I wasn't the only one?" Kaitlyn asked.

Clifton nodded, "we all had it."

Kaitlyn's already beady eyes went even wider.

"So...what does that mean?"

"We're trying to figure it out." Richard said.

Kaitlyn looked down at the table, and took her seat. She thought about what she had seen in the mirror, and the monster. The holes it had made weren't there.

"Did it chase you after the dream?"

Taylor shook their head, "No, it didn't. I didn't see it at all after I woke up."

Richard shrugged, "you probably just accidentally projected something. It doesn't matter."

"I know what I saw," Kaitlyn said.

She looked down, realizing that her words had come out unintentionally barbed. She decided to change the subject, "...I don't think Edelweiss' parents came for her."

Clifton raised an eyebrow. "Wait, what?"

"Edelweiss...she told me that her parents abandoned her here because when they found out she was psychic, they were disturbed. So it''s possible her parents came back..."

"But you don't think they did?" Richard probed.

"Yes. If she had, she would have told us. I...I don't doubt that for a second." She said.

Richard leaned in, looking quietly side to side as he spoke. "She would have told you, at the very least."

Kaitlyn at first thought this was some sort of passive aggressive statement, but she realized he was just being matter of fact. Kaitlyn and Edelweiss were close, and while they were all best friends, Edelweiss was her best friend.

Richard gave a confident nod, "That's what I needed to hear. It's safe to assume that something different to what we've been told is going on."

Clifton nodded, "what do you think actually happened then?"

"I don't know." Richard conceded, "but it can't be good. Mum has either been lied to, or is lying to us."

"Mum wouldn't do that...right?" Taylor asked, concerned.

"I don't know. There's just not enough information at the moment. We can't afford to make any mistakes, or assumptions."

Clifton nodded and closed his eyes. A faint blue glow emanated from behind his eyes as he nodded. "We should check the teacher's lounge. Something might be there."

"I trust his instincts." Taylor said.

"So do I." Richard agreed.

The children quietly got up and left, heading across the school to the Teacher's Lounge, quiet as a mouse.

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