Chapter 21 - The Unholy Trinity List

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San's POV

"It is getting so fucking cold out there!" I walked into Britt's house while quickly rubbing my arms in order to generate more heat.

"You're such a baby Santana." Quinn joked with a laugh. "It isn't even winter yet and you've been acting like it's below zero... I'm surprised you teeth haven't started chattering yet!"

"Leave San Bear alone," Britt pouted in my defense. "Maybe she's not used to it getting this cold back in Colorado."

"San Bear?!" Quinn burst out laughing at the nickname. "Oh I am remembering that one."

"Shut it Quinn. "I grumbled and narrowed my eyes at her playfully. "It never leaves this house."

"Aww what's wrong w San Bear? I thought it was good." She pouted again.

"And you can call me that all you want Britt.." I kissed her cheek and continued, "just not outside. Please. For the sake of humanity."

"So dramatic." Quinn laughed. "Have you always been like this?"

"Have I always been a raging homosexual?"

"More like have you always bern whipped for Britt." We walked toward the kitchen, and she turned when she made it to the counter. "The answer is 'Yes'."

"Have you always had a thing for annoying people that can sing?" I smirked as she momentarily looked like a dear caught in headlights, alas she quickly recovered with a jest of her own.

"Definitely not." She scrunched up her nose. "Britt can have you alll to herself." She teased.

"Okay ladies who wants hot chocolate!!" Britt went over to the cabinet next to us, and pulled out three mugs.

"We were only joking B, no need to intervene." Quinn chuckled.

Britt just shrugged and waved the mugs around a little more. "Well the offer still stands! Hot chocolate!!!"

"Alright I can never say no to a good hot cocoa. Do you guys have whipped cream?" I had to ask.

"Pfft of course we have whipped cream! And little candy canes! Oooh and mini marshmallows!"

She excitedly danced around the kitchen grabbing any and every ingredient to make the drinks.

God she is so cute.

I think I might actually l- no. Why would I even think that? What the heck? Not after what happened w her...

"So I'm thinking after we finish our homework, we could watch this new movie I heard of. What do y'all think?" Quinn looked at us for answers as she leaned against the kitchen island.

"I'm down."

"Yeah, why not?"

Me and Britt responded easily.

A few minutes later the hot cocoa was done and we added what we wanted; me with whipped cream and mini marshmallows, Quinn with a peppermint cane, and Britt of course with all three.

We quickly made our way to Brittany's room and with the three of us working together we got through all of our classes with homework in a half hour.

"I am so done with junior year." I groaned.

"Ohmygod same!" Quinn agreed and tossed her pencil to the floor.

"I still can't believe we're almost out of here guys.." Britt solemnly spoke.

"I know.. and it's crazy that I've only know you two for a couple of months.. feels like way longer."

"It's crazy to think that Britt and I have been friends since elementary school."

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