Chapter 4: The Beginning of the End

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[Y/n's Room, 10:00 PM]

"It's 10 PM! You know what that means, nighttime! Now go to sleep you crazy kids! Sleeping outside of the dorms is considered sleeping in class and will be punished! So go to your dorms and have some sweet, sweet dreams!"

You held the motive disk in your hands. Who's was it? Yours of course. You decided against watching it with the others for no specific reason. But curiosity was starting to get the better of you, and you were considering going to the AV room in secret. And since the endeavor of sating your curiosity came before all else, you decide to do exactly that. You unlocked your door, and peeked outside, seeing that nobody was there, you stepped out and began walking to the AV room

[AV Room, 10:04 PM]

Upon arriving in the AV Room, you were greeted with silence, there was no one around. You walked up to a monitor and inserted the disc. When you pressed play...


The video showed a dark room. It was hard to see much of anything. Then a light turned on, revealing a woman with a party popper in her hand. She looked a fair bit older than you, maybe in her 30s

???:"Is this on? It is? Good."

She spoke with a serious tone. You recognized the woman almost immediately. Her demeanor and tone felt similar to your own. She was...

???:"Good job, Y/n!"

Your mother.

???:"I'm so so so proud of you! I never lost faith for a second!"

Her positive attitude made you feel positive as well. She was always good at making people feel good, or whatever she really wanted honestly. But she always had a soft spot for you in particular.

???:"I bet it's gonna be great at Hope's Peak! Meeting a bunch of people, making new friends, falling in reminds me of when I went there...!"

She started rambling on about something, but nobody has the patience to type that, so we'll skip over it. Your mother stopped, listening to somebody behind the camera

???:"I got sidetracked again, heheh... Anyway, I hope you have a good time! Don't forget about mama, okay?"

It was pleasant. Too pleasant, actually. You knew something had to happen. It seemed to easy for it to just be an encouraging message. And you were right. Just as the recording had cut, a new one had started.


It showed your mother, but this time...

She was bound to a wall by the arms by metal restraints.

Despite the situation, you hadn't felt a bit of worry. But to sum it up...

*CRASH!* *Drip...drip...*

You had broken the monitor. Blood dripped from your hand as the glass penetrated it.

Y/n:"Hm. This is a problem."

You decided to leave without removing the disc from the now broken monitor. It seemed like a waste of time considering nobody would bother checking it.

[Hallway, 10:17 PM]

You walked through the halls with a bleeding hand. After going to the nurse's office and patching up your hand, you felt a bit peckish and started walking to the dining hall to get something to sate your hunger...or you would have, if you hadn't remembered that the dining hall is locked during nighttime. So you just went back to your dorm instead. You tried to hide your hand by putting it in your pocket

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