can i put mah ballz in yo jawz

63 3 18

i walked down the halls of ua. or should i say drive. i was going to visit my kawaii, senpai, cutesy wutesy, dookie, smells like a poopie, masculine, hot, sexy, long chili dog, look like sonic, built like knuckles, smelly, gooey, chewy, steamy, beefy boyfriend in his class. he was so cute and emo. i blushed as i opened the door to see his class and him studying for a test. i came in quietly to give him his lunch for the next hour, knocking over desks, killing students, breaking the floor, making kids run everywhere, running over kids, broke the teachers neck, ate the ceiling and knocking over pictures on the wall. i sat his lunch down at his desk and went back, getting blood, piss and sweat all over my tires. i didn't really notice but when i did, i shrugged. then i realized............ MY SENPAI IS DEAD!!!!1!11!!!111!11!1111111!1!!11!111!!!!!!!!! i ate him and then left the school cutely, shitting everywhere as i went, not really caring. but then i hit a roadblock... 

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