The trouble

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I am so screwed.

Alexi told me that I'm going to get caught one day, but I didn't think it would be today.

You might want a little bit of background on what's happening.

I was raised by assassin's since the age of one, because my mother didn't want me anymore.

They don't just raise and train anyone, but when they do they take it seriously.

They trained me to be the perfect assassin. I can kill and stay silent and in control.

The main assassin's that raised me are Alexi, Damian, and Paolo.

Paolo is the strict one and Alexi is the fun one. Damian is like the middle ground.

Back to the task at hand I am currently in a high speed car chase while high as a kite.

I was at a college party with a few friends.

I can't make friends my own age.

I need to stop getting sidetracked. Anyways the cop car is far behind me and I think I might have gotten away.

"Step out of the vehicle"

Shit, there's more of them.

I'm currently surrounded by cop cars.

I think at this point it's in my best interest to get out of the car and put my hands up.

I open the door and slowly step out.

When I'm completely out of the car and have my hands up I can't help but laugh.

I got several weird looks because if this.

They quickly cuffed me and sat me in the back of the cop car.

"Do you have gum?"

The officer looked at me like I was his 13th reason "no"

When we got to the precinct they put me in an interrogation room.

It has the classic two way mirror.

I don't know how long I was in there before a officer came in holding a file.

"Sawyer Kingsley, it shows here that you are an orphan who hasn't been seen for the last 13 years.

"I've been around."

"We are going to do a DNA test."

"Do whatever."

He took a DNA swab and left.

After a while he came back with a weird smile on his face. "Your biological father is on his way."

"I want my phone call."

He led me outside the room to a row of phones.

I quickly dialed Paolo's number and he answered on the second ring.

"Don't start yelling yet. I'm at the police station because I got in trouble and they did a DNA test. The test came back with a match for my biological father."

It was silent for a second when I guess he was digesting the information.

"Just go with your biological father and we will meet up in a week to talk about it in person."

"Okay. Love you and tell Alexi and Damian."

"I will."

I hung up and the police officer lead me back to the room.

I sat there for a while enjoying my high.

I wonder what my father will be like.

After what felt like forever the door opened again.

The same police officer came in and behind him was a tall intimidating man, his muscles are huge.

"Ms. Kingsley this is your father."

My bio dad stood there observing me.

I guess the officer was getting tired of the awkward silence, because he excused himself.

"So, do I have to come live with you?"
He looked at me like he couldn't figure me out

"My name is Alessandro Kingsley."

He stuck his hand out for a handshake and I returned the gesture.

"Okay let's get going"

Now he's walking out the police station with me trailing after him.

When we made it to the parking lot he went to a matte black Audi R8.

The door shut and I realize now that I've been admiring the car. I quickly walked to the passenger side and got in.


I looked at him with an exasperated look.

He just stared at me straight faced.

I sighed before putting my seatbelt on.

He started driving and we sat in silence until I decided to brake it "so, am I like a product of a one night stand, because you seem to be surprised that I'm here?"

He looked extremely taken aback before he caught himself and went back to being emotionless.
"We were both in a bad place."

It's silent for a while before he pulls into a long drive way with a fancy brick wall.

We drive down the road for about two minutes before we pulled up to a beautiful mansion.

"Two of my friends are here, so don't be surprised if they have wild reactions."

After that sentence he got out of the car and handed the keys to an armed guard with an  gun."

I tried to keep up with his fast step up the stairs but I had to jog to keep pace.

When we got inside he led us to a living room.

There was a large black couch and two resembling chairs beside it.

The two men who were in there were sharing a drink at the bar.

They were in deep conversation when they heard us enter.

They turned to look at us and one of them had a bright smile. I can tell that he's the joker of the group, and the other had a nonchalant look on his face.

Alassandro went to the bottle of vodka on the coffee table and poured himself a glass.

His two friends came and sat down with him.

One of them sat in the other chair and the other sat on the couch.

They were looking at me quizzically and then looking at Alessandro for answers.

Alessandro didn't even look at me before saying "are you going to sit down?"

I hesitantly walked to the other side of the coach and then it hit me that I can now ask for a Advil.

"Can I have an Advil?"

Alessandro spared me a swift glance before swallowing his drink in one gulp.

The smiling friend choose now to ask the unspoken question "who is she and why does she looks likes she's coming down from a high?"

Alassandro only gave him a brief explanation before turning to me accusingly.

"She's my daughter, and is that why you were at a police station?"

"Can we not right now because I have a killer headache?"

The one with the nonchalant face tossed me a bottle of Advil.

I opened it and put one in my mouth before swallowing them dry.

Then he told me his name "my name is Nathan."

The smiling one followed "I'm solace."

"I'm Sawyer"

Alessandro looked at us unamused.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2022 ⏰

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