The Announcement

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                        ~Last Night Gally's hut~
    Y/N POV
Today was overwhelming of events, I'm now "dating" Gally and I had to practice kissing. I loved it but I don't know about him. I remember that we had to now share a bed, I offered it before but knew he wouldn't join. Now he's forced to.

"We could just hang the blanket up? Or I could have pillows as my body and I sleep in the bathroom." I said panicking.
"What is your problem? You literally invited me to sleep in the same bed as you last night. Now you seem to be panicking about sharing a bed?" Gally asked. I couldn't stop my panic.
"So I'm taking that as a yes. Your panicking about sleeping by me!" Gally said. My cheeks heated big time.
"Is it because you actually like me?" Gally said like a child.
"No, I'm not it's just knowing about the boys looking threw the windows..." When I said that I saw the small smile fade on Gally's face.
"I think we need some rules of when we are sleeping." I said. Gally just nods his head at me still having a straight face.
"1 Neither of us will be sleeping shirtless or in our underwear, 2 we have to keep at least a distance." I finished. Gally just looked at me and nodded his head.

"I'm Changed are you done changing Gally?" I asked Gally, I'm quite nervous that I'm sharing the same bed as him.
"Yeah I'm changed." Gally answered back. I unlocked the bathroom and walked over to the bed and laid on the side closet to the wall. Soon Gally joined, my heart was beating fast and my chest tightened. As I was over thinking I hear light snores from Gally. He's already fallen asleep. Maybe I should stop being so worried I mean it's not a real relationship.

I wake up to Gally sleeping calmly on my chest. I didn't want to wake him up he was so calm and peaceful. I slowly fall asleep again knowing Gally was sleeping comfortably.
I hear Gally groan awake and then fall of the bed.
"Omg! Are you okay!?" I asked him as I lean over the bed.
"Uh...yeah just sorry for sleeping on you." Gally said awkwardly.
"It's fine I think we should get rid of the second rule or else you've already broken it." I said.
"I think we need to announce that we are dating at breakfast. As well there will be people asking for proof." Gally told me.
"Mk, I'm going to go get changed you should too.." I said. Gally just nodded and walked over to grab his cloths. I headed towards the bathroom and changed. I took some deep breaths before I walked out of the bathroom and waited for Gally outside.

                             ~At Breakfast~
I walk over to Frypan and gives him my plate this time it's waffles, bacon, and hash browns, with a side of strawberries. I then go and sit in my normal spot and already saw Newt sitting there with a glint in his eyes.
"What Newt?" I asked impatiently.
"Your telling the Gladers aren't you today!?" Newt asked excitedly like a puppy getting a treat.
"Yes but I'm leaving Gally to that." I told Newt.
"You remember what you practiced because these Shuck-faces will want proof." After Newt finished I just rolled my eyes at him.
"Hey babe." Gally said to me.
"Hi Gally. You know we don't have to use the nicknames yet." I said.
"I know just wanted to get them suspicious." Gally replied with. I punched him lightly in the shoulder and Gally pretended that he got shot. Newt shot me a disapproving look. I mouthed to him what?. He just glared at me. I nudge Gally to tell him he should make the announcement. He swallowed the last bit of food and stands up.
"Everyone me and Y/N are dating and if any of you shuck-faces hurt her your dead." Gally announced. I just kind of hide behind him. Somehow no one asked us to kiss so we were lucky so far.

"So you and Gally dating?" Asked Jeff.
"Yeah what about it." I replied tightly.
"I never thought you too would, your both stuck up, you both were enemies, and you both almost killed each other." Jeff reasoned. He has a good point. I then hear Clint walking in.
"Gally's injured we need to get him a stretcher. Y/N can you come and help keep him calm? Since your apparently dating." Clint said.
"Sure but what happened." I asked.
"He may or may not have been impaled by a giant nail." Clint said slowly.
"WTF HE COULD BE DEAD BY NOW CLINT!" I yelled panicking, I mainly only cared because he was suppose to protect me but if he's weak all the time he won't be able to protect me. I never knew I could run but I could. Clint and Jeff were exhausted by the time they arrived I was already telling Gally to calm down. He was panicking and stressed I had to pin him to the ground and tell everyone to leave. Jeff and Clint then picked him up and put him on the stretcher. I run back and get supplies ready so they can start right away. I knew Gally would have to be sedated so I got the needle ready.
I then hear Clint and Jeff with Gally they told me to stick the needle in fast before he wakes up and freaks out more. I followed the instructions and then grabbed his hand. Clint and Jeff pulled the nail out of his leg. I literally almost threw up when I saw it. Then the blood started gushing out. As soon as that happened I must of passed out because the next thing I knew I was on a bed. I look over and see Gally he's in a coma. Clint and Jeff were nowhere near so I got up and grabbed a chair and brought it beside Gally and put his hand in mine and slowly laid my head down by him and fell asleep again.

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