chapter one the beggining

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boxy:hmm im bored... foxy:why are u bored when im not? boxy:cuz ur eating chicken-

foxy: oh... ok ok! hmm.. dont worry boxy lets go camping! boxy:oh foxy thats an great idea!

foxy:lets pack! boxy: ok! ( boxy pov ) me and foxy are packing and foxy bring ALOT of chicken and

donuts😂 adam and justin are filming and they have no time to spend time with us.. anyways

insides foxys bag they are filled with food.( foxy pov ) ok ok hai guys! me and boxy are packing 

for camping ! boxy already telled u that i packed A BUNCH of food. boxy packed some icky salad

extra marshmellows and sticks like STICKY!!! we brought the lankybox cozy collection u can buy

it on lankybox! so anyways we packed all of our stuff and I HAVE SOME LEFT OVER 

CHIKEN AYYY AYYY and some donuts i cant live without thos yummy yummy yummmy donuts.

we got to our RARI EEE EEE BROOM BROOM ok lets stop bing weird and the next page is right

down (¬‿¬)(¬_¬ ) bad english lamafao.

the lankybox plushies campingحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن