Endless Night

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It would have been all over the news.

April 7, 3000, the day the sun penetrated our defenses. When billions of people became blind, and the rest of them already were.

In the year 2060, the ozone layer was finally destroyed. Luckily, scientists were able to finish the Fire Shield in time, so we were safe. Safe from the blistering rays of the sun and our certain deaths.

But not for long.

The Fire Shield was supposed to be temporary. It was supposed to protect us from the sun while the ozone layer built itself back up. But we destroyed our natural protection, so we were not prepared when the Fire Shield cracked.

On April 6, 3000, the first crack appeared. Everyone heard it. Scientists rushed to fix it. They ran to pull the lever that would activate the backup shield, but it didn't work.

On April 7, the shield fell apart.

It was silent chaos. No one died, but the actual effects of the shield breaking were much worse. No one dared to move. Everything went black.

For someone like me, it wasn't a problem. I had been blind since birth. For everyone else though, it was torture.

It would have been all over the news, but no one would be able to read it.

Imagine waking up one day, only to find that when you open your eyes, the world is as dark as when you're sleeping. Imagine being afraid to move because you no longer knew where it was safe to walk.

This is exactly what happened to every single person on April 7, 3000. This is what happens when we abuse nature. The light of the world we know will turn into an endless night. Don't kill nature.

Don't kill yourself.

Hi! I hope you like this short story. Shout out to Michal820. She came up with the idea, and I changed it up a little to make this. She is planning on making this idea into a short film which I will add for you to see as soon as she makes it. Please vote and comment!

Thanks for reading!


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