Chapter 5

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The brisk air from sitting outside in the back yard made goosebumps form up along Oikawa's arms and legs. He had gotten used to the warmth from being in Argentina, so being back and feeling the cold was something he had not experienced in awhile.

Iwazumi made sure to put his jacket over Oikawa's shoulders. He cared more about his friend than himself. The brunette fought with him for a few minutes. The feeling of being babied was not something he was totally fond of. After bickering, Oikawa had let his friend put the jacket over his shoulders, and he was immediately enveloped in a comfortable temperature.

The jacket had Iwazumi's soft smell to it. It was funny to Oikawa, his scent was a mix of cigarettes and cinnamon. His friend was not a smoker, or so he thought.

This led to another small argument that quickly went away, as the brunette gained comfort into the sweet smell of his jacket. Iwazumi felt obliged to protect Oikawa. They've been together all their lives, either through volleyball or the accident. He inched closer to his pretty brown eyed friend. The darker haired male softly wrapped one of his toned arms across Oikawa's shoulders and squeezed. It created another layer of warmth across his body, and the brunette relaxed into his arms.

In the light of the moonlight, Oikawa shut his eyes and let out a soft chuckle, his head bowing down. "Iwa, I'm not that chilly, I'm fine silly." Iwazumi turned his head to catch a glimpse of his friend. He was already turned, looking back. "I know you are. I just wanted to feel you close to me."

Two hands quickly grabbed ahold of Iwazumi's face and he received a big kiss. Oikawa's hands were soft and tender on his cheeks. Everything disappeared around them in an instant. The only thing that mattered was what was happening in front of him. Iwazumi's jacket fell down and off of Oikawa's shoulders, revealing his toned arms. The kiss was short, and he wanted it to be longer. He pulled away from the brunettes soft lips.

His former teammate had moved his head and placed soft kisses along Oikawa's neck. The brunette started to laugh, it tickled him. "Iwa, stop it, that tickles!" His eyes fluttered shut and his body relaxed as the warm feeling of his lips enveloped his body. Oikawa liked this feeling. He was gentle with it, and his friend had his hand placed on the brunettes face.

This feeling didn't last for long. Iwazumi pulled back, looking at his friends facial expression. He was met with a stern glare, his piercing brown eyes shooting through his soul like a strike. "Not right now." His olive eyes stared back at Oikawa.

The brunette's expression softened, and Iwazumi was met with that puppy eye expression. The moonlight brightened and highlighted Oikawa's face, which made him look as though he were an angel. The breeze gently tussled his hair, and he sat crisscrossed with his hands in his lap.

The darker haired male couldn't break away his gaze. He didn't want to. "We're out here to look at the stars Iwa. Now look at them." Oikawa broke the silence before turning his head and looking up at the blackness.

The stars danced in the sky, twinkling and lighting up the darkness of the sky alongside the moon. Iwazumi broke away his gaze to take a look up. He was mesmerized by the amount of stars sitting beautifully in the sky. He could hear his partner start to speak about what he noticed, Oikawa's calm voice making Iwazumi's heart race. His green eyes shut and his body focused on his speaking.

Oikawa continued to talk for what seemed like hours, not really paying any mind if his former teammate was even paying attention. He just loved to talk about them, it was his favorite past time. It was his favorite thing to do after the accident anyway. The brunette stopped. He looked over at Iwa, who looked like he was about to fall asleep.

Iwazumi was not trying to fall asleep, rather he was too deep into his mind. The thought of Oikawa staying for him was absurd.

Absolutely crazy.

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