𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝟨

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When we were on the boat Kakashi confirmed with Tazuna about him being tracked and that Gato was the one who sent the Chunin and most likely future Jonin . Tazuna said no one who was building the bridge would be able to pay for a A or a B ranked mission. He then said something which made Kakashi and the rest of the team feel sympathy so we continued to guard him when we arrived at land.

I suddenly felt the same chakra as early and saw that Kakashi was still on high alert.

"Guys.." I said unsure of myself before Kakashi said

"Duck!" I immediately dodged the enormous blade that was flung at us. I stood up and looked towards the chakra point, which I assumed was the person who flung the sword, he was now staring on it. I took In his features and realized it was Zabuza Momochi.

"Well if it isn't Zabuza Momochi the rouge ninja." Kakashi said seriously

"No Naruto, you can't fight him he's to strong!" I said as he ran

"What why?!" Naruto yelled getting held back by Kakashi

"You can't fight him he's on a whole other level." Kakashi said still staring at zabuza

"Let us handle this guys." I said to the rest of the group

"If he's our opponent, I going to need this." Kakashi said putting one of his hands on his forehead protector that covered one of his eyes.

"Kakashi of the Sharingan and Y/n the god of the Kanjo clan, did I get that right?" Zabuza said staring down at us

"it's too bad huh? But you'll have to hand over the old man." Zabuza said turning around to face us.

"Get into Manji formation protect."

"Protect Tazuna and stay out of our ways, we taught you teamwork now it's time to use it." I said sternly

Kakashi lifted up his headband to revel his sharingan

"I'm ready." Kakashi said

I closed my eyes and opened them to activate my kekke genkai. Due to me feeling a bit annoyed me eyes were glowing purple.

"Well, looks like I get to see both Sharingan and the god eyes in action what an honor." Zabuza said

"Everyone keeps saying Sharingan and Goddedd eyes what are they??" Naruto asked confused

"Sharingan, a rare power that resides in the eyes. The user of this visual justu called dojustu can instantly see and comprehend and taijustu, Genjustu, and ninjutsu and can reflect the attack back on the attacker. That Sharingan is a special, rare form of dojustu. However there's more than that, a lot more." Sasuke said looking at the ground

"And what about y/n sensei and her eyes?" Naruto said pointing at me

"She also has a dojustu known as the god eyes I don't know a lot about it but I know the users eyes change color and give them powers based on the color." Sasuke said looking up at Zabuza

"You got it right kid, but you only scratched the surface the sharingan can analyze the opponent's technique and copy it down to the smallest detail. While the god eyes change color and powers based on the users emotions and the user can also mix colors and emotions to get new powers." Zabuza said staring down at us

"As for you Jonin in the assignation unit of the hidden mist we had a standing order to kill both of you on sight. Your profiles are In our bingo book. It called you the man who copied over 1000 justus Kakashi the copy ninja and you the goddess of all dojustu Y/n Kanjo." Zabuza said smartly

"Wow that's so cool!" Naruto said not reading the tension

"Enough talking, I need to exterminate the old man now!" Zabuza said as he was getting ready to jump from the tree. The kids immediately ran into Manji formation preparing for Zabuza.

"So I'll have to eliminate you two fist huh so be it." Zabuza said

He immediately jumped off of the tree and stood on the water using his chakra.

"This can't be good you sense that amount of chakra Kakashi?" I said.

He simply nodded in response. All of the sudden a bunch of fog just appeared so you knew it was Zabuza since it didn't roll in it just showed up.

"He vanished?" Naruto said confused still

"Sensei." Sakura said

"He'll come after us first." Kakashi said

"But who is he?" Sakura said worried

"Zabuza Momochi the ex leader of the hidden mist assassination unit. He's a master of the silent killing technique." I said remembering that he was in our bingo book too.

"As the name suggests it happens in an instant without sound or warning of any kind." Kakashi said

"It's so fast you pass from this life without even realizing what happened. Pretty scary huh?" I said joking around a bit.

"The sharingan cannot fully neutralize it so don't lower your guard." Kakashi said seriously

"Well if we fail we only lose our lives." Kakashi said jokingly along with me

"How could you two joke at a time like this!?" Sakura yelled

"The mist is getting thicker and thicker." Naruto said pointing out the obvious

"The land of waves is surrounded my ocean mist is ever present." Tazuna said

"Y/n sensei Kakashi sensei?!" Sakura said scared

"8 points." Zabuza said

"Huh? What's that?" Sakura said alert

"Larynx, Spine,Lungs, liver, jugular, artery, kidneys, heart, now which will be my kill point?" Zabuza asked himself out loud

Kakashi used hi chakra to clear away some of the fog so we could all see each other. I noticed Sasuke was trembling so much, he was practically shaking his pants off. Then I say him reach of a kunai and line it up with his heart.

"Sasuke no! Calm dow you'll be safe with us." I said turning to him.

"Yes, I will not allow my comrades to die, trust me." Kakashi said smiling back at Sasuke

I know it wasn't that right time but have I mentioned how pretty he was when he smiled and I couldn't even see his smile due to his mask!

" I wouldn't be so sure." Zabuza said

I nearly noticed a source of chakra that seemed familiar behind me. But I noticed it wasn't exactly all of us always has chakra it was less powerful so that's how I knew it was a clone. I looked behind me to see the clone in our Manji formation.

"It's over!" Zabuza said but Kakashi immediately whipped around a used his sharingan to anticipate Zabuzas movements. Zabuza swung his sword at Kakashi and since Kakashi anticipated this he jumped out of the way. Kakashi must've also known it was a clone considering he just went straight for it and stabbed it in the chest with a kunai. As expected water flowed out of where Kakashi price the clones skin.

"Sensei behind you!" Naruto yelled

I jumped over to where Kakashi was and Kicked Zabuza in the face, making 'Zabuza' turn in to a puddle of water on the floor.


Sorry this chapter is shorter than usual. Usually I have to fight myslelf and tell myself to stop and save all the writing for the next chapter but today I wasn't feeling it so sorry if it's bad

1,225 Words


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