Note - 11/14/21

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Hello beautiful people,

I just wanted to say thank you to everyone that has ever used this generator! I love all of you.

The reason I am putting out this message is just because I've recently read a lot of your comments and noticed that some of the things in here are out of date. I started this book so long ago. Honestly, I don't remember when I made this book just that I was in high school, maybe middle school. I'm a full adult now, have been for a while, and I'm in college. What I will say is that I'm going to try to come back and update this book just so you guys can keep using it. I'm not sure if I'm going to put out more chapters or just update the ones already on here yet.
Also I might try to update the second name generator book so that it has more chapters and it's updated as well. It really just depends on my schedule.

Thank you guys so much for the love. i'll do my best to update soon.


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