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"you want a piece of this?!" i asked, swinging my hatchet at the reanimated corpse which was attempting to attack me. slamming the weapon into its weak skull, i could hear the disgusting squelching of its brains and fragile bones being sliced into like old fruit before pulling it back out with a grunt.

almost toppling over backwards from the force, i struggled to steady myself. im too fragile, gotta get some more meat on my bones. once i was again standing upright, i took a deep breath and sat down on the blood-stained floor, leaning against the wall and checking out the area to be sure i was safe before reaching into my torn up bag to grab a can of beans i'd found earlier while scavenging.

"you deserve this, y/n. finally, a good meal for the first time in god knows how long..." i said to myself quietly, turning the can over in order to get a good look at it before reaching for my knife in order to open it. once i got it out and put it to the can, i found myself struggling to open it. after struggling with the task for a few minutes, i realized that i was just getting nowhere because the knife was too dull.

i sighed and got up, placing the can and my knife back into my bag, slinging the straps over one shoulder and then the other and grabbing my trusty hatchet. i was going to have to find something sharper to open the can. why does everything have to be so damn difficult?

i stayed hidden and checked outside, peeking around the corner of the door in order to make sure the coast was clear before walking outside. just then, i heard what sounded like footsteps approaching me from behind. i whipped around quickly, but before i could even raise my hatchet in defense, i was met with a gun barrel just inches from my face. i could only stare wide-eyedly at the man attached to it, completely petrified.

"drop it." the man demanded in a low, raspy tone. "don't make me tell you twice." he said, motioning the gun at my hatchet, and then pointing it back between my eyes. i bent down slowly in order to set it down carefully as not to make any loud noises, and then stood back up slowly, raising my hands in order to show that i was now unarmed.

"o-okay, look... i don't want any trouble. trust me, i don't have anything worth stealing. p-please just let me go." i pleaded, trying my best not to tremble, as if i wasn't showing enough weakness already. i could feel a bead of sweat forming on the side of my forehead.

"i'll be the judge of that."

he walked over to me. "don't try anything, kid." when he came closer, i got a better look at him, searching for any way i could possibly overpower him and escape. the man was pretty short, wearing a beat up old tank top that used to be white at some point, but was now stained brown and yellow, and covered in holes. he also sported old denim jeans that looked about two sizes too big, almost covering his tattered and stained converses that looked as if they were about to fall apart with any step now, like an old, broken-down vehicle. he was bald, with a long, dirty beard and his breath smelled like cigarettes. i could feel him behind me now, as he struggled to pull my bag from my back while still being sure to keep the gun on me.

when he finally got it off, he turned for just a moment to set it down. i saw this as my chance and quickly tried to grab the gun from his hand, but in that moment, he yanked his hand and accidentally pulled the trigger, hitting me right in my side. i fell to the ground, with a loud grunt of pain as i began to cough up blood from the impact. as i laid there in agony, i could see the man grab my bag and take off running. i reached out weakly and tried to grab my hatchet, doing my best not to scream from the fiery pain radiating throughout my body in waves, which were only further aggravated by the movement. after two or three tries, i was finally able to grab it.

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