ii. august

881 46 2

「we are the Eternals」

As we touch down, Ikaris, Makkari, Kingo, Gilgamesh, and Thena were waiting for us to step on the platforms Phastos created. One by one, we joined the others. Ajak went to Ikaris and healed his wound, Sersi looked slightly frantic, but calmed down once he was fully healed. Sprite scrunched her brows for a second as she see the pair looking at each other.

My eyes unconsciously land once again on her. As if she can feel my gaze, she turned over, catching me. It's like we were in our little bubble and nothing else mattered. We studied each other, slowly, silently. Her eyes were soft like a field of sunflowers, daisies, and roses. The way she looked at me, it wasn't like how she looked at the deviants, it wasn't cold and hard. The longer we looked, there was this other emotion rising from the composed surface from before. Before I could figure out what it was, she broke the eye contact and Sersi walked over to pick up the boy's dagger. 

Since none of the Eternals actually knew what the people we just met were speaking, also known as Samaritan Aramaic, my job is finally up. Ajak ambled towards the people as I quickly joined her. 

After talking to the Samarians, we all scattered around, wandering while getting to know the people and the nature around us. My eyes travelled once again to her. I felt a soft tap on my shoulder. 

"do you want to walk together?" signed Makkari. 

"where do you want to go?" I signed back, smiling. 

"anywhere you like." 

Sprite and Kingo jogged over, wanting to leave with us. 

"hey guys." signed Kingo, "can we join?" giving a smirk that is soon to be wiped off by Makkari and I's collective rejection. 

"just kidding," she signed.

Before breaking off from the group, Makkari looked back to Druig and they smiled at each other, sharing a nod. Sprite glanced back and forth at Sersi and Ikaris with a very well covered sense of dejection. Kingo observed her as we continue walking, smiling at his own little theories, while I looked around, only to find Thena's gaze again.


you know what, probably most of my chapters will be short like this... also a new glimpse of the up and coming friendships!!! 

(added new stuff but it's gonna be a while until I update)

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