Chapter 2

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The long 10 hour drive seemed to be never ending. When the big sign reading "Bedford College" emerged from the darkness of the night the reality was sinking in. They had booked a hotel close to the college. Ditty's father pulled the car into the dark parking lot of the Sunspot hotel. The entrance was a large archway with bicycles hanging from it. The hotel was decorated for the 70's. Every room different in decor, all different aspects of the 70's era. Ditty's mother went and got the keys for their room as Ditty and her father waited semi impatiently outside the door. Exhausted from the long drive they rushed into the hotel room and sighed from feeling the cool ac. The weather was different in this part of the state. Going from the humidity and beach heat to mountain air and dry heat was a bit of a change for Ditty. Her ears were still sore from them popping during the last stretch of their drive.
The room was painted a nice shade of white, the wall art being plain records and a painting mirroring that of Andy Warhol. The bedding a bright shade of orange and grey sheets with a circle pattern. The hotel was very cheap. Meaning the all's were very thin and the beds were pretty small. Ditty headed toward the bathroom for a hot shower.
As the hot water ran down her body soaking her long blonde hair, the nerves set in. She was going to be seeing all these new people tomorrow. New people always judge. Ditty has always been very insecure. People have not always been nice to her. Being that as it may, Ditty handled it by being the nicest person she could be. She was very sweet and very professional, she was a straight A student. She even found herself on her schools student council her last two years of high school. With that being said the last two years of high school she was watched. Her school focused of social media and how she presented herself to the public. She was u set strict rules not only at school but out of school as well. She made sure her posts on social media were modest and kind. No cussing, no showing too much skin, and no conflict. She found herself very excited to go to college and not have to conform to other peoples rules as much. To not be watched like a hawk all the time.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2021 ⏰

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