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„Can I ask you a question, baby?" Carrie smiled and cuddled closer to her husband while sitting on the couch, watching Christmas movies.
„Go ahead."
„Do you have any New Years resolutions?"
„Oh!" he smiled, „I want to travel with you. You know... Another Cairo or Paris or anything else. And I want to see Mark more often, I miss him, to be honest. And I want us to see your family more. Here you go."
Carrie smiled widely and gave him a long kiss.
„Your turn." Harrison winked.
„I want to travel too. Let's go to England again. And I will start the book this upcoming year. And I really want to see more of Todd."

Harrison smiled and kissed her deeply on the lips. He loved her with all his heart for those big dreams of hers. He loved her passion and how easy going she actually was.
At first their relationship was just a weekend thing, but it slowly started to grow and people noticed. He was so freaking glad for what they created together.

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