the one with the beach trip (part 1)

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a/n: enjoy?? idk what to write here anymore

"Beach here we come!" Tony yells over the intercom.

"Ughhh," I complain, propping myself up in bed. Only then I do I remember who's in the bed next to me. I nudge his shoulder until he wakes up. "Bruce...get up, you gotta get out of here!" He turns over.

"Do I?"

"Yeah, today's the beach trip, they'll be looking for you in a minute," I say. It's true, Tony wants Bruce to fully check the engine and tyre pressure of everything. The only reason he's in my bed is because we both got drunk last night. Every bedroom has adjoining doors to the next one - in case of an especially bad night terror or an emergency - but we are under strict instructions not to use them otherwise. Anyway, last night all of us had a few too many and me and Bruce somehow ended up in my bed. We didn't do anything, obviously he can't, but a part of me wanted to. Ew, Natasha, get your act together, I think to myself.

"Come on, get up," I tell him. "You know the rules about this kind of stuff here."

"Okay," he says, and gets out of bed. He picks up his shirt from where it is screwed up on the floor. "I'll see you on the coach." He awkwardly hurries out, and I climb out of bed. I got to get dressed really fast if I want to make it to the bus on time. I put on my swimming costume and then pull over it some sweatpants and a hoodie. I don't plan on swimming but if everyone else does then I will. Wait, I'm not wearing the right swimming costume! This one is Wanda's that she lent me, mine is shoved at the back. I start to change and as I pull on the bikini there's a knock at my door.

"Who is it?" I ask.

"It's me, do you have a spare pair of socks? I can't find mine anywhere, I think Bucky's hidden them," I hear Steve say.

"Uh, sure, one min!," I say. He walks in the room as I am standing in my bikini. "What are you doing?!" I exclaim, covering myself with a hoodie. He turns around to face the wall.

"Sorry, I thought you said come in!"

"I said one min!"

"Sorry!" He says.

"I'll bring the socks out when I come. Now please leave," I say. Oh goodness, this is so embarrassing. I'm covered in scars all across my back from when I was once whipped in the Red room, and plenty on my stomach from various knives and not-quite-deadly bullet wounds.

"I'm so sorry," he says awkwardly, and leaves promptly. I pull on my sweatpants and hoodie again, put on my flip flops, and pack my bag. Then I grab the socks for Steve and head out.

"Everyone in!" Tony yells. We all pile onto the coach, I sit right in the back corner, so I don't get dragged into Bucky and Sam's karaoke. Steve sits in front of me.

I put in my headphones but that doesn't work for long before hotel California starts blasting from the radio, and Tony, Shang Chi, Katy, and Wong all sing the full song.

"How much longer?" I stick my face through the gap in the seats and ask Steve.

"At least half an hour," he says. "How many cushions did you bring?" He looks at my array of cushions and blankets spread out on my seats.

"Like, five," I say. "In my defense, I thought there would be more traffic."

"Can I borrow one?"

"Fine," I reply. "You don't get to choose though." I hand him a blanket with Tony's face on it (he got it for me at Christmas time for secret Santa) and a fluffy cushion.

"Goodnight then," he says, curling up. "I'll let you get back to sleep."

"Oh I can't sleep through this racket," I say. "I'm reading." He raises his eyebrows and nods, and I get back to Little Women.

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