the bar

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1st part if i dont get lazy anf forget about it
(authors note: sal and larry are both adults in this story, dont come after me please[i also have no knowledge about sf atm, so once i play the game and get some idea i will most likely make an update of this story, thank you])

     you walk into the bar, in the middle of sal and larry as you chat about how life has been holding up, etc. this was larry's idea, meeting up to head to a bar after being separated from each other for so long. it was no surprise he'd come up with this idea, but he thought it would be pretty necessary for the night on your 21st birthday.

larry pulls out his id from his thick, black, leather jacket and shows it to the bouncer, receiving a head nod in return, signaling he could enter. sal did the same and bumped into a few drunk chicks going through the wrong doors. you pull out your id, and follow behind sal, who followed a ways behind larry. you all stop at the bar counter, and you gulp. afraid you wouldn't be able to handle your alcohol, and the hustle and bustle of the crowded club. a hand planted on your shoulder, and you look over.
sal nodded, smiling with his eyes as his porcelain mask remained emotionless. "hey, buddy, calm down. you'll be fine. just, tune everyone out. it's just me, you, and larry here, okay?" his comforting words sent a wave of reassurement throughout your body. you smile and nod in return, and lean over the counter to look at larry, who was already downing a shot of tequila. you could tell sal's face scrunched up watching him inhale the tequila.
"fucking gross." sal mumbled under his breath as larry wiped his mouth. "what did you say, you weak bitch?" larry shot a glare to sal, grinning widely. "weak bitch?" sal scoffed, slamming a fist on the counter. "pass me a bottle of what he had!" sal demanded, the bartender sliding a bottle of tequila into sal's hand with a snicker while you and larry watch. "watch what this weakling can do." sal hesitated, but opened the bottle of tequila, and after a few gulps he took the bottle out of his mouth and gagged, turning around and hurling while larry cracked up beside him. "holy shit! what this weakling can do is fucking fail!" he choked out, holding his head while he bounced along with each 'ha' that left his mouth.
you politely ask the giggling bartenders for a glass of some beer, watching sal with a soft chuckle. your eyes widen and you nudge larry, and he looked over at you with teary eyes. "what's up, y/n?" he asks, catching his breath as he disregarded sal completely regurgitating onto the floor. "i'm going to the bathroom, watch my drink." larry nods, and begins laughing as sal groans and sits back up on the counter.
you walk into the restroom while larry watches. "you evil fuck, just get one of your own." sal demands, knowing exactly what he was going to do. "hush up, sally boy." as soon as larry taunted sal, he put the glass to his lips and chugged the glass of beer. sal watched, disgusted. "you know, i actually think they wanted that." sal sighs, "oh well." larry hiccupped, slamming the glass onto the counter.

end of p1, thanx for reading and plz remind me to continue this

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2021 ⏰

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sal, larry, and reader at the barWhere stories live. Discover now