01. Fanboy

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Most people dream of, and some would even kill, to have the powers Dorothea possessed. To have superhuman abilities that no-one else in the world had. Yet, despite all this, Dorothea wanted nothing more than to be rid of them. To live a normal life where she didn't fear people finding out about her condition, knowing that if they did, it would only be a matter of time before she became a lab rat.

If she got the chance to go go back in time and change the day she received her 'gift', she was sure she would take it. Without a second thought.

She guessed she could have just not used them, to continue living her life as if she was just another teenager, where her biggest concern would be getting a better grade in math. But after her fifteen-year-old self decided to, stupidly, show herself to the public as a 'superhero', she could not just suddenly disappear.

She hated her younger self for this, for enjoying the powers at first, without thinking about how much of a burden they could become later down the line.

The Superhero titled 'Flicker' by the press, that was her burden. What was fun at first, soon became overwhelming, but she quickly learned that once you become a hero, you can never stop being a hero. It follows you like a living nightmare, refusing to let go as it drags you into the depths of darkness.

Even now, as she walked through the chaotic halls of Midtown High, she could hear students and teachers alike talking about the Hero's latest stunt at the bank. It was impossible to escape, no matter how much she wished otherwise.

But not all things in her life were bad, and some things were even worth the struggle of heroism. One of those things being her best friend, who was currently hypnotised by the video on his phone, seemingly unable to peel his eyes away.

"What got you so fascinated?" she asked, making the boy flinch at her sudden presence.

Peter turned to look at her, practically smacking her with his phone to show her the video playing. "You know that bank robbery last night? Well, someone leaked the camera footage. It was Flicker who stopped them!" he exclaimed excitedly.

Of course. "Wow," she spoke with fake enthusiasm.

"I mean, just look at him," he pointed at her own figure in the video, her legs wrapped around a thief's neck as she pulled him down to the ground with her body weight. "He took them all out within seconds. He just disappears and appears in a different place. Some people tried slowing down the video, but no-one can tell whether it's super speed, teleportation, or if they turn invisible! He's like New York's mystery."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2023 ⏰

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