the J5 at the Gordy's pool party

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Courtney - walking with Normani and her cousins and Hazel Normani's bestie and Normani's cousin down the Gordy's stairs and was talking with them
Normani - walking with Courtney and Courtney's 2 cousins and haz and her favorite cuz down the Gordy's stairs and was talking with them
Jermaine and Jackie and Marlon and Randy - seeing 4 ladies and was in love with them and was drooling over them and was wanting to be with them and was wanting to be getting happily married to them and have babies and grandbabies and puppies with them
Normani - smiling a whole lot while standing with Courtney
Courtney - smiling a whole lot while standing with mani
Addison - tells the Jackson 5 that's mine and Berry Gordy's daughter Courtney Gordy and Tina and Sly Stone's daughter and Zelma and Floyd Bullock's granddaughter Normani Kordei Stone and Alline and Freddie Stone's daughter Carol Ann Stone and Freeda Hood and Jackie Wilson's daughter Hazel Wilson
Normani - trying to be opening the Gordy's backdoor and was wanting to be going to the swimming pool with Courtney and haz and her favorite cuz and Courtney's cousins and be relaxing and hanging out with other celebrities like James Brown and Jackie Wilson and The Temptations and Glodean and Barry White and since they are Paula's parents
Jackie - opening the Gordy's sliding door to the backyard for Normani and was introducing himself to Normani Kordei Stone
Normani - introducing herself to Jackie Jackson and was walking out of the Gordy's house with Courtney and Courtney's cousins and haz and her favorite cuz and was smiling a whole lot and was walking to the Gordy's swimming pool with Courtney and haz and her favorite cuz
Addison - tells the Jackson 5 you guys can go be having fun in my and Berry's swimming pool and be meeting some other people like Courtney and Normani and Carol and Tina and Sly Stone and Zelma and Floyd Bullock and Diana Ross and getting to know them and Hazel and her dad Jackie Wilson
Jackie - walking out of the Gordy's house with Jermaine and was walking to the Gordy's swimming pool with Jermaine and was swimming with Normani in the Gordy's swimming pool
Jermaine - swimming with Courtney in the Gordy's swimming pool
Michael and Marlon and Tito - jumping in the Gordy's swimming pool and was wetting Jackie and Normani and Courtney and Jermaine
Normani - swimming away from Jackie to a floated and was smiling a whole lot
Courtney - swimming away from Jermaine and was getting on a floated and was smiling a whole lot and was laying down on the floated
Normani - getting on a floated and was laying down on the floated
Jackie - swimming to Normani and was joining her in laying on the floated
Michael - pushes Jackie in the Gordy's swimming pool and was joining Normani on the floated
Normani - smiling a whole lot while letting Michael laying with her on the floated
Jackie - pushes Michael into the Gordy's swimming pool and was laying with Normani on the floated
Next weekend with the Jackson 5 on the Ed Sullivan tv show
Jermaine - wanting Courtney and Normani to be part of the Jackson 5 and be letting them be singing with them and being happily married to Courtney while Jackie will be happily married to Normani
Joseph - walking to his sons with Normani and Courtney and was smiling a whole lot while standing with them
Jackie - seeing sexybae and was saying are you and Courtney going to be joining our group sexy
Normani - tells Jackie yep jackie me and Courtney are going to be joining y'all group
Joseph - tells Normani go and be standing with Michael on his left side and Jermaine will be on your left side
Normani - walking to Michael and Jermaine and was standing with Michael on his left side and was smiling a whole lot
Michael - smiling a whole lot since mani is going to be standing on his left side and Jermaine going to be standing on mani's left side
Courtney - walking to Tito and Marlon and was standing with Tito on his left side and was smiling a whole lot
Hazel - looking at Jackie
Normani - standing with Jermaine and Michael and was telling mike let's be singing body language and you were made especially for me and Blame it on the Boogie and Enjoy Yourself and shake your body to the ground and All Night Dancin and 2300 Jackson Street and nothin that compares to u and if you only believe and art of madness and keep on dancin and let me show you the way to go and think happy and living together and goin places and jump for joy and heaven knows i love you girl and different kind of lady
Michael - tells Normani ok mani let's be doing body language and you were made especially for me and Blame it on the Boogie and Enjoy Yourself and shake your body to the ground and All Night Dancin and 2300 Jackson Street and nothin that compares to u and if you only believe and art of madness and keep on dancin and let me show you the way to go and think happy and living together and goin places and jump for joy and heaven knows i love you girl and different kind of lady
Jackie - looking at sexybae
Normani - seeing Jackie looking at her and was looking at him
Jackie - still looking at sexybae and was drooling a whole lot
Normani - looking away from Jackie and was looking at mike after drooling a whole lot over Jackie
Hazel - seeing what Jackie was looking at and was wanting to be with Randy and be happily married to him and let him be getting her pregnant with a whole lot of babies and grandbabies and a lot of puppies
Courtney - leaves with mani and Michael and Marlon and Tito and Jackie and Jermaine and was leaving Randy with Hazel
Later on that day
Normani - roller staking with mike and Marlon and her favorite cuz and her other best friends which her name Paula and Enid and her other bestie which her named Hazel
Courtney - playing Tennis with her other best friends
Tito - playing basketball with Jackie and Jermaine and Randy
Randy - walking to Normani and was wanting to be joining her in and mike and Marlon and Carol and Normani's other best friends and Normani's other bestie in rolling staking
Normani - letting Randy roller skate with her and mike and Marlon and her favorite cuz and her other best friends and her other bestie and was telling Randy you know you can be calling me mani and i will be calling you randy
Randy - tells Normani ok mani
Courtney - joining mani and randy and mike and Marlon and Carol and Normani's other best friends and Normani's other bestie in roller skating after playing tennis with some of her friends
Jermaine - joining Courtney and Normani and Randy and Michael and Marlon and Carol and Normani's other best friends and Normani's other bestie in roller skating
Tito and Jackie - joining Courtney and Normani and Randy and Courtney and Marlon and Carol and Jermaine and Normani's other best friends and Normani's other bestie in roller skating
Normani and Courtney and Normani's other best friends and Normani's other bestie and Normani's favorite cuz - roller skating away from Jackie and Jermaine and Tito and Randy and Marlon
Michael - joining mani and Courtney and Normani's other best friends and Normani's other bestie and Normani's favorite cuz in roller skating away from his brothers
Some of the fans - seeing the Jackson 7 members and was walking to the Jackson 7 members
Normani and Courtney and Michael and Marlon and Tito and Jackie and Jermaine - singing dancing machine
Paula - saying you got it guys this is going to be my favorite hit
Carol - tells Paula i have to be agreeing with what you was saying
Hazel - tells Paula and Carol i have to be agreeing with what you guys was saying
Randy - tells his brothers and Normani and Courtney i have to agree with what Paula and Carol and Hazel was saying
Michael - does the robot dance
Normani - saying you got it mike yeah mike woo
Marlon - telling Michael i have to be agreeing with mani mike you got it and you know you can be keeping on doing the robot dance do it like you want to do it and all of the time and don't let no one and including the rest of our brothers stop you
Courtney - smiling a whole lot while watching Michael do the robot dance and was standing with mani and Marlon and was saying you got it michael
Joseph - walking outside of Hayvenhurst and was seeing Michael do the robot dance and was smiling a whole lot
Michael - pushes Jackie and Jermaine and Tito and Randy into the swimming pool
Jackie and Jermaine and Tito and Randy - swimming in the swimming pool and was smirking
Normani and Courtney and Michael and Marlon and Joseph and Normani's other best friends and Normani's other bestie - walking inside of Hayvenhurst and was going to their bedrooms and was going to bed
Next year
Tito - getting happily married to Paula
Jackie - getting happily married to sexybae
Jermaine - getting happily married to Courtney
Marlon - getting happily married to Carol
Next weekend with Normani and Jackie at their own house in Westlake Village California and after Latoya finally lives with Normani and Jackie
Latoya - tells Normani good morning mani and what's for breakfast
Normani - tells Latoya good morning lat and pancakes and bacon and fruits is for breakfast
Jackie - walking downstairs and was saying good morning sexy and sis
Normani - tells Latoya what's your plan for today and i want to be known lat
Latoya - tells Normani i don't got nothing plan for today mani
Normani - tells Latoya you can come with me to Berry's recording studio and doing a song with me and haz
Latoya - tells Normani ok mani let me go be getting ready
Normani - tells Latoya ok lat
Latoya - walking upstairs to her bedroom and was getting ready to be going with mani
Normani - tells Jackie good morning hubby
Jackie - tells sexybae what's your plan for today sexy
Normani - tells Jackie i'm going to be working on my music with lat
Jackie - tells what about later on tonight
Normani - tells Jackie nothing at all why
Jackie - tells sexybae i was just wanting to know sexy that was all me and you are going to be naked later on no relaxing with your beaties and Latoya it's my and your alone time with each other without getting interrupted
Later on that night
Normani - walking inside of her and Jackie's bedroom
Jackie - following sexybae inside of their bedroom and was locking their bedroom door and was ripping their clothes and was having a whole lot of sex with her in their bed under their blanket and their garden tub jacuzzi
Next morning
Latoya - wanting breakfast
Jackie - tells sexybae it's morning time sexy and we woke up from sleeping comfortably nakedstyle with each in our bed from having a whole lot of sex in our bed under our blanket and our garden tub jacuzzi
Normani - tells Jackie true that hubby

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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