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y/n pov
i was sitting in my last class, 1st period and last period are the only classes me and pony don't have together. this is history and the teacher is so unbelievably boring i was just staring out the window. the teachers don't call on me anymore but expect for this one. he always gets mad at me for not answering i still trying and answer by writing it down. the bell finally rang and i grabbed my things and got up. i met pony in the court yard like i always do and we start walking. he was rambling on about something him, dally and johnny did last weekend. i love listening to him talk he's like my best friend in the world he's sweet and always there for me...and he's dreamy and cute....WHAT?! no stop he's my best friend i cant think like that.

once we got to his house i pointed to my bike to tell him i was gonna get my stuff. he understood right away after 2 years he's learned what i mean. i hoped on my bike and rode to my house. i did live on the more west side of town because of my aunt she's like a fashion lady she owns a big boutique in the west side. i got to my front door and opened it. i wrote down a note and put it on the table for my aunt since she wasn't home. i went upstairs to get my stuff.

pony's pov
after y/n rode away johnny walked up to the house "hey pony how's you doing" i smiled and said "yea im good" " how's y/n doing? talkin' any?" he said. "no nothin' lately a few laughs but that's it" i said as i lit a cigarette. "y/n is staying the night i think her aunt is out again probably doesn't wanna be alone" i told him "makes sense" i huffed my cigarette. "know where dallas is ?" i asked. "no probably in the can again" i laughed slightly "i wouldn't be surprised".
me and johnny talked for a while longer until i heard y/n's bike pulling up. she waved at johnny "hey y/n how are you" he smiled softly at her. she nodded and smiled back. johnny walked off to the lot he was probably gonna stay there tonight since he didn't wanna go home. y/n walked her bike up to the side of the house and walked to the porch and we went inside.

time skip

me and y/n were up stairs in my room i was sitting at my desk reading a book and she was sitting on the bed writing something in her notebook. i then heard her get up and walk to the desk she showed me the book.
"do you think i'm a freak?" i paused and wondered why she was even asking
"no? course i don't why are you even asking" she wrote something down and showed me "i don't know..just feel like you could have a better person to be friends with" i stood up not even answering her and hugged her. "your my best friend nothing is gonna change that got it?"
i felt her nod her head into my shoulder as she hugged back. we stood there for a minute until we heard darry calling for dinner.

y/n pov
he hugged me and i got that weird feeling again "your my best friend nothing is gonna change that got it?" i felt my face heat up and i nodded my head and hugged him back. we heard darry call for dinner so we let each other go and walked downstairs.
"hey y/n you staying the night?" i nodded my head at him and then i felt arm pick me up and move her over. i turned around at saw two bit laughing at me. i giggled at him and punched him in the arm. we started play fighting till he put me in a choke hold and i couldn't get out. "two bit lay off" darry scolded. two let go of me and darry told us to sit down for dinner, pony had already set the table and sat down. i say down next to him. soda ruffled my hair and sat next to me. everyone at the table talked and laughed, once we all finish pony told me "come on y/n the sun is gonna set soon" i smiled and put my plate in the sink and pony grabbed my hang and drug me outside. he climbed up in the shed and i followed him up after he helped me up. we sit on the roof every night and watch the sun set. i sat with my knees to my chest and pony sat with his legs out straight. we both watched the sunset.

pony's pov
me and y/n are sitting on the roof watching the sunset. i happen to look over to look at y/n and i stopped for a min and stared at her. the way she looked...she looked so...so pretty. the way the colors looked on her face, her y/e/c and y/h/c/h she looked so beautiful. she looked over at me and scrunched her face at me i could tell she was wondering why i was looking. i looked away quickly because i felt my face heating up. i don't know if it was the sun on my face or from looking at y/n. why am i thinking about her like this now...we've been friends since we were kids why do i feel like this around her...

a/n  2nd chapter!!! idk how i'm feeling about it and tbh i don't know where i'm going with this😰
this book isn't supposed to be serious it's just for fun bc ive never seen the outsiders with a mute y/n
as always feedback is always welcome and i hope u come back for the next chapter!

word count: 1017

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2021 ⏰

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