chapter 9 Ryepool

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Many moon's ago

They were walking out of the mooncrystal cave

She saw a warrior running up to them it was Webfoot

On no what's happening Ryepaw wondered

"It's Swiftspot he became very sick with green cough all of a sudden" Webfoot said

Our deputy is sick with green cough this is the first cat I'm going to help heal that has green cough Ryepaw thought

Her Webfoot and her mentor Hollylight ran back to dewclan camp

She and Hollylight ran into the den

Ryepaw grabbed the catmint out of there storage

And brought it to Hollylight who was making Swiftspot more comfortable

Hollylight took the catmint from Ryepaw

"Here eat this" Hollylight said after she put a leaf of catmint to Swiftspot's mouth

And he ate the catmint

"That feels a little better" Swiftspot said

Two days later

Coughing woke Ryepaw up

"Swiftspot" Ryepaw said

And she jumped up and ran over

When should I do should I give him more catmint Ryepaw wondered

Hollylight ran over

"Get the catmint now" Hollylight said

And she ran to the storage

"Wait it's too late he died" Hollylight said

"Should we go tell Goldenstar" Ryepaw asked

"Yes we must" Hollylight answered

And they brought Swiftspot's body into the middle of camp

"Is he?" Goldenstar asked

"Yes" Hollylight answered

"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather under the rock for a clan meeting" Goldenstar called

And the clan gathered

"I say these words before starclan, so that the spirits of our warrior ancestors and Swiftspot may hear and approve of my choice. The new deputy of Dewclan is Webfoot" Goldenstar said

"Webfoot Webfoot" the clan cheerd sadly

Then they gathered around Swiftspot's body

Four moon's later

She sat there looking into the pool

It's hard enough trying to get over the death of Swiftspot but now Hollylight Ryepool thought

"Ryepool you do know your clan is here for you" Webfoot said

"Yes I do but now Goldenstar is on her final life and when she dies I don't think I can handle any more grief" Ryepool said

"Oh Ryepool" Webfoot said

"But I have been thinking... maybe we can be mates?" Ryepool suggested the idea

"No it's against the medicine cat code" Webfoot replied

"Oh okay" Ryepool said

"But we can be very close friends" Webfoot replied

"Maybe" Ryepool said

3 moon's later

Ryepool was taking a walk

"Hey this is my mouse" a little silver kit said

"Did you catch that all by yourself" Ryepool asked

"Yes I did but I should probably get back to my sister she is waiting for me" the kit said

"Where is your sister maybe I can take you to her" Ryepool asked

"She is in the forest back there" The kit answered

"Oh okay but would you like to come with me" Ryepool answered

"I'm Stream and yes I would" Stream Answered

"Alright hold your mouse tight in your mouth" Ryepool said

"Okay" Stream replied

And she grabbed the mouse

And Ryepool grabbed Stream

And walked back to camp and when she walked into camp

"Oh where did you find this one" Tidewing asked

Ryepool put Stream down

"Her name is Stream and I found her on our territory and the warrior code said to never leave a helpless kit in danger" Ryepool answered

"I know what the warrior code said and she can join" Webstar said

"I can care for her" Tidewing offered

"Alright" Webstar replied

"I Caught a mouse before I came here" Stream said

"Well can you go put the mouse on that pile of fish" Tidewing asked

"Okay" Stream Answered

And ran off and dropped her mouse on the fresh-kill pile

And ran back

"Where can I sleep.. I'm tired" Stream asked

"Come on follow me" Tidewing said

And Tidewing lead Stream to the nursery

the tale of the forgotten clans (book 4) dark Warriors Where stories live. Discover now