The Local Myth

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1000 years have past since the collapse of the world began. A toxic web like forest known as the Insect Cage steadily spreads across the world. Threatening the survival of the last of the human race.

Why does this happen? Well, can't pin point the exact reason why, all record of the past is all but gone now. Those of us still flourishing though know what came of the past, this tale may be considered a legend or a myth even but it's still being told from generation to generation. Most people actually refuse to believe this story but there's actually solid proof to back it up.

When giant, ancient cities were at the peak of prosperity a disastrous catastrophe had brought that prosperity down to rubble. They called it the Seven Days of Fire, where firebreathing giants known as Titans laid waste to the Earth and upright destroyed their own creators. It was believed that humidity itself was capable of creating such destruction, it was no surprise that it back-fired. On the seventh day, the Titans' strength began to fail, after all they just spent their time incinerating the planet, and they become nothing more than stone.

The aftermath of those seven days was not easy to recover from, especially when the earth itself was trying to regenerate. The earliest signs of recovery started with the sign of new strange looking foliage growing from the ashes of burnt city remains. Foliage that was deathly lethal to Humans. There was not much that could be done about it except to keeping it from spreading but even that wasn't enough for all the survivors were doing were evoking the Rage of Nature. New inhabitants (commonly known as the Cagasters in present day) of the spreading foliage fought back against those that sought to burn their forests (now known as the Cages). Cagasters were believed to be the living corpse of a human that was reborn from the Cage as a massive insect. And when their habitat is threatened, swarms of them will charge from their home blacking out the sky like a locust plague. They toppled and conquered cities, destroyed major kingdoms, and killed thousands. This was the very reason why the Cage spread.

For 1000 years the world has been living in the cusp of darkness, humanity dwelling and struggling to survive. But their are some civilizations that manage to prosper in such times. But times like the present are drenched in world conflict, even when most surviving Kingdoms wish to live in peace. But even still hope continues to strives against uncertainty in humanity, for a prophecy was created to restore hope. This promised the coming of a new age, where the world will be brought back to the light and save humanity from it's impending doom. Sadly, most civilizations have forgotten the prophecy, yet some continue to cling to the last bit of hope there is.

Can the answer to salvation truly be found, or is Humanity destined to be swallowed up by the Cage? Only time will tell, for it truly is a mystery.

May not be a true chapter but hopefully this makes the world building all the more interesting for this story. The next chapter may not be published for a while but I do hope you are still intrigued with this story. Until next time 🤗

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