HUNTER. (Ch.1)

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Sapnaps pov-

God dammit. I thought to my self, we were so close we almost had him. Bad was severely injurend dream hit him with a axe on his arm, when George ran to check on bad I was behind a bit and dream fucking got away. It was my fault I shouldn't have spent soo much time building tools.

"You ok bad? " I ask already knowing that answer

"Oh I'm fine besides the fact that there was a axe threw my arm" he says sitting up from were George bandaged him.

"He should be fine he just needs to stay at camp for a few weeks to heal. " George says packing up the med kit.

"We don't have time for that dreams still out there gathering resources, building armour. While we just sit around?! " I say frustrated at out situation.

"It's not like bad can be of any use with being robbed of a arm" George says back not wanting to put up with a argument.

I just nod my head knowing he won the argument. I put the compass back in my pocket and start walking to camp.

It's been so long, what 5 months? We lost a hunter to dream already. He keeps getting stronger. Were always one step behind. What can I do too be better, to beat him. To protect george and bad. To be a better leader, because right now were just failing it's my fault. I'm pathetic. Pathetic. pathetic. Pathetic. Pathetic. Pathetic.

"SAPNAP" george yells snapping me out of my trance.

"Huh, yeah? " I replied

Will get him I promise.  George says obviously seeing I'm upset.

How...? I ask genuinely

It went silent for a second.

"Will figure it out I promise.. " he said trying too reushure me.

"Thanks.." I sathe

We get back to camp a few villagers out in the snow biom were letting us stay there they had good resources and dream had to yet find the place.
I hand bad some bread as he lays down to rest be replies with a quite "thanks" trying to save his energy for healing. "I'm sorry bad, for yelling earlyer and not have your back when i was suppose to. "

"No need to apologize, its not your fault. " he replies with a smile. "We will kill dream all of us. " he says before drifting off to sleep.

I leave the room and head out side were George is eating by the fire.

We both took a deep breath it felt as if we had been holding it In  forever. We ate in silence but comfortable silence. Soon George went back inside too sleep. I couldn't sleep too many thougths echoed in my head. I just sat there alone. Think about how pitiful I am.


I felt something rub against my leg. I looked down too see a ginger cat sitting there. I pick it up and start to pet it's soft fur. I soon sat it down expecting it to run away. But instead it just sat there and stared at me. I wanted a bit but it wasn't moving. I soon picked it up and brought it inside I sat him on my bed and he layed there and fell asleep I thought I should do the same.

Word count- 549

I know it's short :( sorry

Also out names for the cat In the comments I dont know what i should call him. Hope you enjoyed I will try to update 3 times a week if I can. :]

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2021 ⏰

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