Chapter 1

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"Alright, let's do this one last time. Like no for real this is like the last time I'm doing this. My name is Peter R Parker, I was bitten by a genetically modified spider and for the last twenty-seven years, I've been the one and only Spider-man. Pretty sure you know the rest." Peter monologued as he swung. "With great power, there must also come great responsibility." Uncle Ben said. "I saved the city. Fell in Love, got married. Finally, beat the green goblin. Saved the city and the universe, also I started a family. Micheal Riley Parker and Maybelle Anna Parker twins. Which surprise Mary Jane and me. But even after all these years, the battles, the losses. I still love being Spider-man cause there's only one Spider-man, and you're looking at him." Peter finished as it cut away to his fourteen-year-old son.

Micheal Riley Parker looked on as he walked the hall of Gotham Visions Academy and saw the tower of his father's legacy, the donations from when his Science journals won awards, the scholarship in his name. Everywhere Mike looked he saw the kindness of his father's heart and it made him feel inferior. Sure he was one of the smartest kids in his class with an IQ of 255, it rivalled his dad's which sat at 260 but even then he thought he didn't deserve any of it, all of it came easy to him. He could solve physics equations, well the teacher was still teaching it. He could make brittle plastic out of grape juice. Hell, there was even this one time where he created a staple cold fusion reaction. Granted it only lasted for an hour before fizzling out. 

His sister Maybelle on the other hand was opposite of him. Sure she was just as smart as she was able to do all the things he could do. But she was popular, had an after-school job, did community service and was a star high school basketball player, and well he was a loner, the quiet kid everyone avoid cause they thought he was a school shooter. The loser everyone hated just because he was smarter them. He stopped in front of the glass display case and looked, seeing the latest winner of the Parker foundations young scientist award and seeing who it was made his blood boil. Shaking his head he opened it and put the picture of the freshman girls Basketball team into the case before he felt a football collide with his head.

Three guys stood at the side laughing out loud. Mike turned around and looked at them. 

"Sorry man. Really," The Guy said.

"Morning, Dylan. How's dad? Still living out his last ten years in prison," Mike said with a cocky smirk. This caused Dylan to rush him and throw him against the glass.

 "You want to die," Dylan sythed.

 "No, not really. But then again neither did Venom's victims," Mike said with a scary calmness about him. Dylan raise his fist and punched Mike in the gut, causing him to curtail into the ground.

 "Woah, is it just me or are you losing your touch."

 "Stay down, Parker," Dylan said grabbing his bag and storming away. 

Mike picked himself off the ground and made his way to his locker. He began his trek to his locker. He looked around making sure no teachers saw before pulling his skateboard off his back and riding down the hallway it was one of the only things that gave him peace, the rush of the cold air on his skin, the feeling of freedom. It made him happy. As he turned the corner, he saw the principal. Pulling himself off his board.


 "Yes ma'am," he responded. 

"You want to keep that skateboard." 


"Keep them wheels up," After she said this Mike pulled over his head as soon as she was out of earshot he was back on his wheels.

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