The Secret Benefactor 🕵️‍♀️🕵️‍♂️ Part II

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Sidney returned home to find the house in darkness. His man told him that all were abed. He enquired of Charlotte and was told that she had retired some time ago. "Was she well on her return? She seemed unwell towards the end of the ball.  Did she take any refreshments?  Miss Heywood was overcome by the warmth of the ballroom." "Yes Sir she appeared well, she took some willow bark tea as she complained of an ache in her head.  Mrs. Parker spoke to her maid as she was concerned. The maid confirmed that she was much improved and asleep.  Are you to travel to your home in Sanditon on the morrow?

"Thank you Jones, I am relieved that Miss Heywood is well.  I will be returning to Sanditon as I have some business there.  Could you call me early tomorrow morning. I will need my bags to prepared this evening." "Of course Sir, do you need me to attend you now? I will prepare your trunk now.  Do you require anything else? "No Jones I won't need your attendance as I prepare for bed. Will you see that Tom is prepared for an early departure tomorrow? "Yes of course Sir I will speak to his man. Good night. I will call you at 7 in the morning."

"Good night Jones." Sidney turned and climbed the stairs to his chamber. He was content to know that dear Ms.Heywood was well. She looked so fragile at the ball, Mrs. Campion attemdance seemed to disconcert her.   I will speak to her tomorrow before we return to Sanditon. Apologies are necessary as I did offend her.  Perhaps she is right about me and I am cold and unfeeling, I will need to persuade her otherwise.  My feelings for her are of love and affection. I need to be thoughtful in my choice of words so that I do not offend. I do so wish that she will see me in a more pleasant light.  Guard your tongue Sidney.  Sidney climbed into his bed and thought of what words he could use to convey his feelings.  He fell asleep with the vision of Charlotte in her golden dress.

Meanwhile in another chamber Charlotte attempted to sleep despite her mind being in tumult.  She had convinced herself that Sidney had shown some interest in her however his behaviour at the ball was the opposite.  He seemed most attentive towards her since they had been in London, he remained at her side during the ball and requested a dance.  She was incredulous when he requested a dance and his surprising words to her " you are equal to any woman here."  Surely he had not uttered these words lightly and insincerely.  The expression on his face seemed to be one of warmth and honesty.

Was he one of those gentlemen who used sweet words to lower a lady's defences?  He did not appear caddish or rakish unlike his friend Mr. Crowe. Mr. Crowe had raked his eyes over her form when she entered the ballroom.  He stood too close to her and made her most uncomfortable. He was well in his cups and his lascivious smile disgusted her.  He had whispered something into Sidney's ear which did not please him.   He glared at Mr. Crowe and rebuked him for what he had said.  Charlotte moved closer to Sidney as she wished to be farther from Mr. Crowe. 

Sidney had taken her arm and introduced her to some of his acquaintances. "Miss Heywood please accept my apologies for Mr. Crowe's behaviour. He can be overly familiar when he has imbibed too much. I fear that he may get into trouble due to his behaviour.  Babbington and I do try to  prevent his behaviour becoming too troublesome. I prefer not to see him being challenged to a duel as he would definitely not win. He is the most pitiful shooter, you Ms. Heywood would be a better shooter.
Come we will see what refreshments are available. Some lemonade perhaps as the room is quite warm. "

"Thank you Mr. Parker I appreciate your concern. I shall ignore Mr. Crowe when he is in his cups. I understand that is the whiskey speaking rather than Mr. Crowe. Please do not feel obliged to keep me company, I shall be quite happy  to remain with Mary.  You may spend time with your friends rather than the "new maid."  My conversation may be too tedious for someone like you.  I will accept a glass of lemonade from you Sir as I feel parched.  I might take some air as the heat of the room is overwhelming. "

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2021 ⏰

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