Pied Piper #27

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Extra content : #Yuki_loving_hour start

Yuki's mixtape, 2nd track ; " child support"

Jackson : *play beat and is Yuki's hypeman = () words*

Yuki :

I ain't paying no child support
I ain't paying no child support
I ain't paying no child support
I ain't paying no child support

That ain't my damn son
Ain't no freaking way!
Cause everytime I pick him up
He getting ugly by the day!

I ain't paying no child support
I ain't paying no child support
I ain't paying no child support
I ain't paying no child support

You got me fucked up!
(I mean all the way!)
Yeah, yeah you got me fucked up!
Yeah yeah!
(You ain't getting nothing!)

Who the hell you think you are?!
Who the hell you think you are?!
Think you about to get my money
So you could buy a brand new car

You think you slick
You think you slick
You ain't getting shit!
I ain't dealing with this crap!

So in saying that ...

Fuck you and that baby!
Fuck you and that baby!
I could really give a damn!
Fuck you and that baby!

*the track suddenly ends here*


This second track show how Yuki is detached from the baby momma and the child, although the words here are harsh. It's the whole point as they are meant to hurt and drove away the mother and child from Yuki.

He knows he doesn't have long to life and so becoming a father was almost impossible for him but now he can't take the risk of having them go down with him.

And so by behaving like this, he wants to make sure they won't be even remotely in his life, even if it leaves the kid fatherless (which was going to happen at some point even if he didn't do this) .

This song is a big lie about his feelings.

As they say, it's easier to keep away than keep close.

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