Chapt. 1-♡ ︎Unexpected crushes

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Hu tao is a young girl who just got into a new highschool. She's hopping to take on her family's legacy and become the 77th director of the wangsheng funeral parlor even though she's so young. The reason they wanted to go to school in the first place is because her family thinks she's too immature to run the funeral parlor, so in high school she's trying to prove them wrong even though she's only 16. When hu tao was younger all the other kids were scared of her except two of her old friends, she wants to make a new start at their highschool.

Hu tao pov:
I'm the new student at liyue's highschool of morax. My family STILL think I can't run the family business, they still treat me like I'm 5yrs old. It upsets me.

The highschool is HUGE I may get lost in here, turns out I ran Into the principal Mrs. Jean.
"Hello! You must be the new student, Hu tao is it?" She said, I nodded in agreement.
"You must be lost luckily, We have Student council President Yanfei over there." Mrs. Jean gestured Yanfei to come over. I looked at her, and my face started heating up she was just so pretty that I forgot to breath for a second.

I caught Yanfei staring at me, "teyvat to yanfeiii?" I said. Yanfei ended up laughing. "Sorry." She said. I'm happy I saw her smile.

Yanfei POV:
Mrs. Jean called me over to meet the new student, her name was hu tao and she told me to show her around the school so she didn't get lost. I caught myself staring at hu tao, we both ended up Laughing. Then she was just staring at me, with a smirk on her face, I ended up giggling. I realized she was really pretty, but I shut down my feelings toward her to keep it professional? I don't know I just don't wanna seem weird

I was showing hu tao around the school, then I caught her not paying attention and just staring at me. I snapped my fingers to see if she would come Bact to teyvat but she didn't.
So I just stopped walking to see what she did next but she didn't do anything just stared "Hu tao! Are you in there?!" I said raising my voice, "Sorry you're just very cute, and pretty." She replied, we both just stood there and blushed. "Why- how do you have that type of confidence?!" I said, "I just do!" She replied with a smile. "Well um we should REALLY get to class, Ms. Lisa hates it when people are late!" I said, we both started to run then I realized hu tao was holding my hand. We arrived in time, thank Rex lapis.

"You guys, welcome to our new student Hu Tao. I see you and Yanfei are quite close, are you too dating?" Ms. Lisa asked, "Oh no no no! It's not like that!" Hu tao giggled "it could be-" I covered her mouth before she could say anything else. "Hehe~ I guess that proves my fact. Everyone take a seat, and break out your history books" Ms. Lisa says. I sit down in my  usual  spot, hu tao sits in the seat closes to me.

Hu Tao POV:
While Ms. Lisa was talking about history and whatnot. I couldn't focus cause I was staring at Yanfei "am I really that much of a simp?" I said in my mind. I noticed who was in the history class and I saw my old friends Xiao and Venti, I remember them staring at me when I walked in. Venti and Xiao waved, and I waved back. Right when I was waving back the bell rang, and we headed to lunch.

I headed over to where Xiao and Venti were sitting. "Hu tao!! It's been SO fricking long" venti said with a smile "HEYY GUYS!!" I said really loudly, "well she's the same as ever" Xiao said with a sigh. "I guess your still emo huh?" I said giggling "tHeY lAuGh aT mE bEcAsE i'M eMo" venti said laughing, Xiao was not amused. After a bit of laughing, Yanfei walked up and sat next to me. "Mind if I join you?" She says, "Of courseeee Yanfei!!" I say with a smile. "Yeah we don't mind right Xiao?" Venti asks, Xiao nods in agreement

Awhile later....
Before we knew it, it was already 5:00 that was when school lets out. We said our goodbyes and headed home "Hey Yanfei, mind if I walk you home?" I ask, "Yeah I don't mind." She replies. I start to walk her home as promised, "Yanfei, can I have your phone number?" "Sure I don't mind, it's ###-###-####" We put it in our phones as we arrived at her hous. We said our goodbyes and went our separate ways. My grandfather was late coming home again so I just started texting Yanfei.

Yanfei x Hu tao! Highschool AUWhere stories live. Discover now