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Count On Me

(3rd POV)

"Heather." Belle reluctantly called up the stairs, her nails tapping impatiently on the bannister as she waited for her daughter. "Heather!"

The girl in question sat peacefully on her bed, oblivious to her mother's yelling. It was only when the door swung open that she noticed something was up, the grim expression she was faced with causing her eyebrows to crease in confusion.

"Didn't you hear me downstairs?" Belle asked softly, rounding the bed to sit by the girl.

"I..." Heather stumbled for words, eventually shaking her head sadly. It wasn't the first time sounds failed to hit her ears, but she struggled to find an explanation. That's why she kept it quiet from her family, too concerned that it would be another added weight to their shoulders when they already had so much to carry.

It had been happening ever since the Whisperer war, when the homemade bomb impacted just a little too close for her liking. The ringing, specific to her right ear, never seemed to stop. It was worrying, sure, but she was brave enough to handle anything.

"Are you leaving?" She quickly changed the subject once her mother's frown got too deep, snapping the book shut and dropping it on the shelf. "Aunt Maggie came up to talk to Hershel, so I figured you would, too."

Belle nodded, casting her eyes low to avoid the inevitable welling of tears. She didn't want to mention the force they were fighting, the formidable Reapers, and how this mission leaned towards the suicide type. She didn't want to admit she was afraid this might be their last conversation, forever or for a long time.

"Stay out of trouble, okay? And if you need anything, Rosita is right next door." She smiled, the gesture trembling just slightly. She reached down to the side of the bed, picking up an object by it's worn, faded rim and dusting it off. "Keep this safe."

Heather happily took the brown hat from her grasp, settling it comfortably on her head. "I promise." She agreed, jumping into a tight hug that she never wanted to end. She hated every second her mom was away, but she couldn't have been prouder.

"I love you." Belle whispered, secretly wiping the first tears away before they could fall.

"I love you." Heather returned, ignoring the shake in her mother's voice.

»« »« »« »«

The hat pulled over my eyes did nothing to protect me from the heavy rain, trickles of water running between my clothes and soaking my skin to the bone. It was like a constant sheet in front of me, every step hoping for a break in the storm but it never came. I was starting to worry about my sodden feet, rain pooling inside my shoes like two little ponds.

"Negan, how much longer til we're through the city?" Maggie yelled, her voice barely audible over the cracking thunder. She was right by my side but it was impossible to see her, the hood of my not-so-waterproof jacket scrunched tightly around my shivering face.

Negan must've been nearby, his booming words similar to a different kind of thunder. "We got about six hours! We should hunker down, wait for this to pass." He advised, concern seeping into his tone.

"You don't get a vote, asshole!" Cole retorted, stomping his way through the puddles. At least that was one thing we could both agree on. It was Maggie's idea to bring the evil man along, claiming we needed him for 'directions', but I could tell there were other motives on her mind.

Daryl's words were muffled by his bandana, his only recognisable feature being the crossbow slung across his back. "He's right. We need to find shelter. We can't stay out in this."

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