2. what theyd be like with a sick s/o

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another one from sof 🤨⁉️ that's sus/j
anyways get better soon shawty

- Doesn't let you out of bed, you've gotta stay and get better! Also I don't want anyone else sick!"
- "Love please! I don't want you gettin' worse!"
- She gets you literally everything you need, medicine? got it. fluffy blankets? got it. soup? she's got the best home made kind 🥺
- Once she's done pampering you in that way, she'll join you in bed despite her just saying how she didn't want anyone else sick
- "It's okay if it's me, I got to cuddle you that's all that matters!"
- You guys end up snuggling and she gives you endless forehead kisses


- She's a doctor,,,, she knows what to do
- "Okay so here's your medicine, and these are optional but they'll make your nose a little less stuffy and here's your-"
- Once she's done with that she'll go mom mode and send you to your bed
- "It's for the people around you, I'm sorry but you have to!"
- She gives you a stuffed animal and soup and if she's feeling generous (so 99% of the time) she'll get you some candy!
- "Here's all this, listen I get candy is bad for you but I can spoil my love if I want to."
- The most cuddling she'll do is hold your hand, i'm sorry but she doesn't wanna get sick
- "Darling I'm so sorry but I'm a doctor, it would be in our best interest to not get me sick."


- She's pretty similar to Mercy
- She'll find some medicine for you to feel better, but she won't force you to take all of it
- "This one's a necessity, okay? The other two are definitely helpful but you can skip them."
- She will spoil you oh my god she will buy you anything
- "It's fine, I can buy the food, there's no need for you to pay! Sweetheart, you're the one that's sick!"
- She's actually stubborn with things like that
- And with not letting her snuggle you
- Let the girl snuggle you >:[ idc if you're sick
- "Please sweetheart! It's okay if I get sick, I really wouldn't mind it!"
- You end up snuggling anyways

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