Chapter 2 - Morning Wood.

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❝ harry pov ❞


"Fucking hell," Harry exclaimed as he yawned and struggled a bit to get out of bed, looking at the clock on his desk.

"It's too early for this nonsense," Harry murmured. He isn't a morning person, but he obviously needs to get up early to get clothed and go to school thirty minutes before it starts. Not because he wants to study, he despises studying, he likes to think it's a waste of everyone's time because we're all going to die at some point. He gets to school as early as possible in order to see William, his friend. Well, not really his friend... more like acquaintances... but with benefits... I'm kidding. 

They have never spoken to each other, but they had a group project in math before and were paired together, and they occasionally passed each other in the halls and their lockers were near each other. But, because this is William's senior year of high school, he's eager to make a move with him this year.

It was his freshman year, he was at a new school. No friends, no one to talk to.

He stood up and went to the bathroom, where he was stunned to discover his member stiff. It wasn't always like this; he started drinking water before bed every night to avoid becoming depleted while sleeping. Instead of feeling nourished when he awoke, he could only feel his pants stiffen. His member would have to wait until he 'unleashed the beast,' as he put it. Because he prefers to take care of his skin before doing anything else in the bathroom. Just to ensure that no germs enter his face after doing something else. He emerged triumphant from the restroom after a "successful unleashing of the beast," as he put it.

After 'unleashing,' he began to leave his room, having to pass by the massive family portrait that hangs on the wall in the hall out front of his room. He walks down the stairwell and into their dining room. He took a spoon, a bowl, cereal, and milk. He then went into the living room. He dislikes eating alone in the dining room because it makes him feel exposed. And, with his parents constantly absent, it's difficult to take care of yourself without guidance or assistance. In addition, he gets up earlier than the rest of their house staff. He doesn't like bothering them because he knows it will only frustrate them.

Harry doesn't seem to like eating without making a little noise, so he brings his phone with him and decides to open Netflix to see if there's anything good to watch. He saw that there was a new season of Gilmore Girls and sat down to watch it, mainly because of Jess.

He discovered he must have been gay after seeing Jess appear out of nowhere on the show while he was at a friend's house. He's adorable, he was realizing, and his gaze was fixed on the tv set, turning a blind eye to anyone at the sleepover. Jess could be considered his sexual awakening.


Harry had finished his meal and was about to put his bowl and utensils away when he took his phone from the table, paused Gilmore Girls, and checked the time. What the, has it already been an hour? Harry pondered .It was already seven o'clock, and he had thirty minutes to get to school. This was not part of his plan; he was always at school at seven o'clock, not going to school at seven o'clock. He'll most likely pass up the opportunity to sit next to William at this point.

Because of the time, he wasn't even paying attention to his surroundings when he came across their dog, Dexter. Harry couldn't bear the thought of being angry at their adorable corgi, so he confronted himself for his mistake.

"Dexter! "No one can ever resist Dexter's big brown eyes, so Harry's words were cut. "You're one lucky puppy, Dexter" Harry exhaled deeply as he took out the broom and cleaned up the mess, unaware that Gilmore Girls was still on.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2023 ⏰

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