Scary games for N mixed with truth or dare

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Request by rachelssecondfire210 thanks for the request
The gang which includes V,N,J and Uzi are playing truth or dare let's see how it works out for them
"Ok Uzi truth or dare"V said
"Dare"Uzi said
"I dare you to kiss N"V said
"Doesn't sound to bad"Uzi said
Eventually Uzi and N's lips Met for about 5 seconds
"Ohhh"V and J both said
"Knock it off you two"N said
"Look at these two love birds also didn't you guys lose your virginity"V said
"We lost it five months ago you guys know this already"Uzi said
"I know I was just joking"V said
"Ok N truth or dare"J said
"Dare"N said
"I dare you to play a scare game"J said
"Ohhh which one"N said
"Take your pick"J said as her visor had multiple Horror games including resident evil dead space outlast etc etc
"I'll take dead space" N said
"Good choice also do you wanna play dead space 3 co op later"Uzi said
"Sure"N said
"Ok Let's do this dead space here we go!" N said
"Got it let me port this to the tv"J said
"Ok"N said as he grabbed a Xbox one controller because J bought dead space on backwards compatable N booted up dead space and was at the main menu

"Ok I'm scared already"N said
"Hey trust me this is just the main menu prepare for later on man cause it is about to get scary"J said
"Oh no"N said as his he started to shake in fear
N clicked new game and he started to watch the prologue and got the infamous elevator Scene

"Ahhhh"everyone screamed
"Jesus that still gets me"J said
"That was fucking scary!"Uzi said
"Good god that still scared the hell out of me to this day"V said
"My god why!"N said
Eventually N reached a save point in chapter 4 and saved and decided to call it quits
"Ok I'm gonna stop there did you guys get scared like I did"N said
"Yeah it was scary"Uzi said
"We all got scared especially in that elevator scene"J said
"Ok I'm tired I'm going to bed"N said
"Ok good night N"Uzi said
"Good night guys"J said
And that just left V and Uzi at the couch
"Dead space 3 coop?"V said
"Hell yeah let's do this"Uzi said
Uzi and V played dead space 3 coop all night then the morning came along as N woke up and went to the living room
"Good morning guys oh ok well I'll leave them to it"N said as he found Uzi and V asleep and on the tv's dead space 3 coop they passed out in the Middle of playing it
That's it for this chapter guys let me know what you think about it again request is by rachelssecondfire210 thanks for the request see y'all later👋

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