Prologue: Lucky (but not for them)

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Summary: In a different world, Makoto would be a kind boy with boundless optimism, a drive to help others, and a peculiar amount of luck.
This, evidently, is not that world.

It was a rainy Friday morning. Makoto Naegi  blearily opened his eyes, and sat up. He stepped out from the bottom of the bunk bed, and padded his way over to the bathroom located right next to the bedroom.

After doing his business and washing his hands, Makoto exited the bathroom and swung the bedroom door open. Grumbling a half assed good morning to his sister, he got out his coffee beans and began to brew his lifeblood.

"Good morning," Komaru giggled. "Did you sleep well?"

To that, he looked at her with a deadpan expression, eyebags apparent. "Imouto, please, we both know I only got 4 hours. Coffee is my one and only true love."

Komaru's smile dimmed a bit. "I still think you should try to get more sleep."

Makoto spared her a glance, and then continued to gaze into the reflection of his coffee cup. "We both know I can't."

" is that going, anyways?" She opted to semi-change the topic.

"It's going the same as ever. Keep an eye out for cops, and tell me if you think anyone should be targeted." He said.

Makoto would always take suggestions from Komaru. At least, workwise he would always take suggestions (he would never go to therapy, EVER, no matter what she said). Even though he never ran out of options when it came to this stuff.

The amount of corruption in humanity was infinite, after all. And Makoto made a living off destroying as much of it as he could.

It was so he could provide for himself and Komaru. Speaking of her..

He smirked. "By the way, Imouto, you're gonna be late for online school."

Komaru stopped in her tracks. "Fuck!"

Oh my Kami, it actually worked. She cussed.

"Ko- Komaru," Makoto began to howl in laughter. "It's still summer, you're just half awake. Get fucking pranked."

Komaru stood still for a solid ten seconds. Finally, she said, "You're going to wake up to your floor covered in legos tonight."

"Joke's still on you, we share a room." He laughed louder.

"I hate you." She said, an absolute deadpan in her tone that she'd only ever use with him.

"Love you too, Pop Rocks." He said, still cackling like a hyena (although, he was genuine- which he hoped his little sister would be able to pick up on).

Komaru scoffed, in spite of the smile on her face. Faintly, she said, "Love you too, Sourpatch Kid."

Makoto smiled. Being a big brother was good.


The rest of breakfast was spent in a comfortable silence, as usual. Eventually, Makoto had to head out to the store for dinner, while Komaru opted to stay in and clean the trailer walls.

After bidding his little sister goodbye, the amber eyed boy set out to Agawa's, a local family business that sold things like baked bread, noodles, boba tea, and fresh fruits. They were some of the nicest people Makoto had ever met, and their food wasn't even too expensive. Naturally, he bought from them.

He opened the door to their establishment and the cashier, Akasuki Agawa, lit up at the sight of xer favorite customer. "Naegi-san, how lovely to see you again!"

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