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Birth Name: Jace Leone

Length Of Life: Eighteen years old|Three Hundred Years Old

Species: Demon

Gender: Male

Appearance: Photo Media

Personality: (Good Traits) Amazing, Beautiful, Breathtaking, Cute, Challenging, Daring, Dreamy. Energectic, Excellent, Gorgeous, Good Looking, Humorous, Honest, Irresistible, Irreplaceable, Lovable, Marvelous, Precious, Quick, Rare, Smart, Qnquie, Valuable, Wonderful. Fearless (Bad Traits) Bitchy, Aggressive, Cunning, Flirtatious, Impatient, Jealous, Sarcastic, Stubborn, Clingy.

Relationship Status: He laughs, grinning widely. "Who would want me?" He asked, tilting his head to the side [Single]

Sexual Orientation: "Oh.. I like boys.." He blushes faintly, looking away [Homosexual]

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