The Wrath of Sabrina

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    "There was once a young woman by the name of Sabrina. She had long golden sunshine hair and eyes as bright blue as the sky on a sunny day. Her smile was warm and her heart was caring. She was married to a captain of the sea by the name of phillip. There were times where phillip would be gone on long voyages and her heart would ache to be with him, to explore the world. Before her husband's next voyage she had begged and pleaded with him to take her along. While her husband did not like the idea he could not bare to see his bride so desperate and so upset. He agreed under the conditions that she remain quiet and behaved. She happily agreed, excited to be able to see the world at last. The crew did not take kindly to Sabrina's presence as it was foretold that a woman on board would be bad luck. However they did not fight as they knew the captain had made his decision. A weeks time into their journey they came face to face with a nasty storm. As the rain grew stronger and the waves grew taller the crew became increasingly terrified. They started to claim that it was the doing of Sabrina, that she had cursed them with bad luck and the only way to be rid of it was to be rid of her. Out of fear they grabbed her and forcefully tied her hands and legs together as she cried and begged for mercy. The crew ignored her pleas and threw her overboard into cruel, deadly waters. As she started to sink she said a prayer, begging for mercy. Posiedon, the God of the sea, heard her prayers and felt for the poor lass. Slowly her tied together legs turned into a beautiful emerald green fish tail as her bright blue eyes became a vibrant green. Her arms became covered with scales varying in different shades of green. Slowly she started to breathe in the water as if it were air. The voice of Posiedon echoed around her.
"My child", he bellowed, "you have been wrongfully sentenced to a cruel, early death out of fear. I grant you this ability so that you make take your revenge".
    The next day as the sun rose over the peaceful water, the crew could hear a melody in the distance. They pointed out a figure in the water and decided that that must be where the beautiful song was coming from. Seduced by the song of the sea, they boarded onto their emergency rafts and set out to see where the song was coming from. They paddled until they approached a lovely young maiden in the water with bright sunshine hair and emerald eyes. While they stared in amazement, her gaze fixated on the men. Suddenly her loving green eyes turned to a fiery red as her song turned to a loud shriek. The water became restless and waves started to form quickly. The men panicked and tried to turn away but the deadly waves overtook their rafts and they drowned in the cruel waters, never to be seen again. It is said that Sabrina is still out there in those waters, singing her song to lure foolish young sailors to face her wrath. The wrath of a woman wrongfully convicted"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2021 ⏰

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