Chapter 11:Cured

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I just let sonic kiss me for some reason. I felt like I remembered this moment from somewhere, then it hit me I remember there was a Valentine's Day dance and after the dance sonic asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes then kissed him. I kissed back and wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist. We sparred and he looked at me.


"I'm ok sonic the act of true love heals me remember?" Then his face brightened up. he lifted me in the air and twirled me around we were laughing. my mom heard us and when she saw us she was crying with joy.


"Amy! Your ok!" We ran into each other and hugged. Then I remembered something. what about Sally?

"Sonic what are you gonna do about Sally?" He smacked his head.

"Your right what am I gonna do about Sally?"

"I know you should break up with her"

"But I can't because she said she will hurt you"

"Then I will hurt her!"

"If you say so ok I'll break up with her" I smiled.

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