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Walking amidst the thicket of trees, amazed by the greenery, definitely nature being the most wonderous creation of the Lord above. Falling in love with nature was the best thing that could have ever happened to her. The rugged soil beneath, the intricate design of each leaf differing in sizes, shapes, colour, beauty and fragrance. She walks on amazed by the creation of Allah, a little bird humming a song away to her, narrating the life of nature and the beauty it encompasses, another just perched upon her shoulder nuzzeling it's head against her shawl cladded neck, her soft hand raising up to stroke it's furry back. A squirrel perched upon a tree nibbling away at the nuts he'd collected from the little bird house built at the backyard. A crow perched upon yet another branch having a verbal battle with one if it's mates oblivious to the serenity of the surroundings but bent on conveying his point to the raven in wavered high pitched notes.

She sang praises of the All Mighty diving into natures beauty, she skipped along till she came to the banks of the river, the oasis of the many little animals present within the tiny thicket of a mini backyard forest, as she calls it. She bends down scooping a hand of crystal clear water gazing back at her reflection gently strews them upon her face. Lyla her pursian cat, drags himself lazily to her, stretches himself and lies his head upon her lap, receiving a gentle laughter from her mistress. She tickles her away, picks her up just as she would pick a child earning a glare from Lyla's morning moody eyes, nope her cat was just not yet ready for the morning cuddles and soothing rantings. She jumps away from her arms and ducks her face into the flowing currents only to jolt it back up and swish away the water from her damp furs and jump back into the coziness of her mistresses arms.

The sun had only just risen and here she was after having prayed the prayer after sunrise and now climbing upon the bark of a tree, making herself comfortable between two sturdy branches, she caressed the book within her arms shuffling through the pages gently and reaching the ayah which had a mark placed upon. Her cat besides her and some of the birds flew over to the branch on the tree opposite, awaiting the most beautiful notes of recitation to fill the air. Beginning with a supplication for acceptance, memory of the prophets, ease for memorization and the aid of The most Powerful, she began in a slow tuned pace.

There's just something about nature, that makes you forget all your worries, sadness and difficulty. It gives you assurance and builds your courage and strength for that which is to come. There's a sense of peace that's hard to receive anywhere else except in the Musallah, there's a sense of tranquilty descending upon, which of course could be a result of her recitation whereby the angels have descended to pay a visit and to hear her melodious tone, helping her to etch each letter into memory by the will and power of Allah. She went on reciting for all she could care, intoxicated by what Allah has offered to her of the blessing of nature, the promises of the Qur'an, the solutions to her problems, the answers to her questions, the ease to her difficulty, until her cat purred and her stomach grumbled and she remembered there's a duty she has to serve fulfilling the rights to her body and the rights to pets.

She jumped off the branch and landed safely on the ground, walking towards her house with her cat at her heels. Umm Hurairah, she was called, for jest, for her undying love she graced her cat with. She slightly opened the ajar door being careful not to make a creak, she filled a bowl with cat food and another with milk and gently caressed Layla's head while watching her lapping the milk finishing it in an instant. She made her portion of ACV, pinched her nose and finished it as fast as she could, gargled her mouth with fresh water and prepared some breakfast for her and those at home. Having satisfied one third of her belly, she sprinted up to her room carrying about her daily routine, of tiring classes, boring lectures and then to the best part of ot all revising her hifz lessons.

May Allah make her and us from the Haafizaatul Qur'an, May He make us from His Ahl and His special slaves, And May He accept us for His Noble Dheen.. Aameen


Do give my other books a read, "Meela's Rambles" and "The Ink Of Her Emotions". 

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