The Wedding Is Not a Good Time Pt:1

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A Ooo season 2 oneshot.
It may seem like this is just a written version of the episode but there will be changes.

This starts from a sort of awkward point in the episode.

Cal's POV
My eyes teared up with the others, only to be increased by Set's words. "Stop crying before I kill them." He threatened. "Stop Crying!!" I yelled out, scared for the safety of my friends. "Don't yell at me!!" Davis cried, teary eyed. I took in a deep breath. The tears had stopped. I guess yelling like that let my emotions out more then I thought it would. I turned my head to see Nero and Iroh were here. I stepped closer to them. "Confess your love to Iroh." Set demanded suddenly. I blinked, processing the task. When realization registered in my mind I could feel my face heat up. "I have t-to say I-Iroh. You're looking r-rather nice today!" I stuttered out quickly. "Oh why thank you!" He thanked, not seeming to take the compliment as anything more then that. I let out a quick sigh of relief. "Anyways, what can I do you you guys?" I asked the two. Iroh smiled. "Anything that I didn't have at the ball, those things were not so good." He responded. I nodded before going over to the box with all the drinks. I looked around, my eyes were drawn by a deep purple drink. I recognized this drink as Tomb Juice. "Give that to him." Set told me. I sighed, taking the bottle. "Maybe it's poison." Set snickered. "No! I know what it is." I muttered under my breath. I turned from the box. "Is everything okay Cal?" Dranne questioned. I sighed. "No! It's all good!" I assured him. Then I went over to Iroh, bottle in hand. "I've got this for you, I don't really know what it is, but give it a try." I said as I tossed the bottle to him. He caught it, he immediately took several gulps. When he stopped his body started shaking and twitching, increasingly getting worse. "Watch Cal." Set instructs. I do so quietly. Suddenly his hair went from black to flaming red and sparks of fire lit around him. I jumped back, surprised by this outcome. He started running around as I tried to process what just happened. He started asking everyone how they were doing, speaking fast. I turned around, looking at the ground. "Why'd you put that in the crate?!" I questioned. "What did you give him?!" Dranne questioned in panic. I turned back to them. "I-I I Don't Know What I Gave Him!!" I yelled out. "But I think it might have been Tombjuice?" I turned back to them. "Tombjuice?! You gave him Tombjuice?!" Dranne cried out in concern. "Cal San!" Iroh called in a quite voice. I turned to see him right beside me. "Hi! How can I help you?" I questioned. "Hi! What is this drink? Can I have more of this drink?" He questioned. "You sure? I don't think it's a good thing." I cautioned. "Another Cal San! Another!" He demanded, letting out a small burst of power. "Okay, Okay." I conceded, getting another bottle for him.


-To Be Continued-

Heh- almost forgot this book existed.

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