Thunder clan

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Cloudtail:Everyone I just got back from the moonpool!

Whitewing:Did you get your nine lives?

Cloudstar(Cloudtail):Actually no. I only got eight. Well I believe in Starclan now.

Brightheart:*Still siting on Daisy* "It's Firestar's fault."

Cloudstar(Cloudtail):*jumps onto highledge* "it's time for me to appoint a new deputy. I have thought very hard and long about who it will be...."

*pause for dramatic affect*

Cloudstar(Cloudtail):"And the deputy is no one. I'm your deputy and leader. It's a dictatorship."

*Clan cheer*

Squirrelflight:"Why do you guys always have to agree with the dumb one. Firestar isn't even dead yet. Not that I want him to be."

*Clan look at Squirrelflight disapprovingly*

Squirrelflight:"You know what I'm going to go get Brambleclaw and run off into the sunset!"

Brambleclaw:"I hate you. Get away."

Squirrelflight:"Eh eh. Fine."*walks away*

Dovewing:"Ivypool,guess what." *jumps up and down*





Ivypool:"You know what fine what is it?"

Dovewing:"I saw Tigerheart at the border today."

Ivypool:"I'm ashamed of you."*walks away*

Dovewing:*falls on ground* "why is every cat so mean to him nowadays?"

*Firestar still on face at bottom of highledge*

Bumblestripe:"I could care less." *thinks about ways to destroy Tigerheart*

Dovewing:*weeps,gets up,walks into medicine cat den,and eats five poppy seeds*

Cloudstar(Cloudtail):"Everybody quiet!" *he demanded*

*Everyone gets quiet*

Cloudstar(Cloudtail):"Now that you are all quiet." *pauses* "there are going to be new apprentices made today!" *he yowled with excitement*

Squirrelflight:"but there are no kits in the clan." *she complained*

Cloudstar(Cloudtail): *ignores Squirrelflight* "Squirrelflight,you have reached six moons,and it is time for you to be made an apprentice. From this moment forward until you have received your warrior name you will be known as Dirtpaw. Your mentor will be Berrynose. I hope he passes down all that he knows to you." *Has a big grin on his face and is eating cookies*

Dirtpaw(Squirrleflight):"Oh,come on!"

Berrynose:"Stop your whining. I think I'm going death because you won't shut up."

Dirtpaw(Squirrelflight):"Did you have to choose this bossy furball?" *she hissed*

*clan don't cheer for Dirtpaw(Squirrleflight)*

Dirtpaw(Squirrleflight):"why am I being apprenticed again?" *she complained angrily*

Cloudstar(Cloudtail)"Because no one likes you and your complaining. That's why Firestar is on his face still,because he doesn't want to see the messed up version of himself,You."

*clan oooooo at her*

*Sandstorm and Leafpool hug Squirrelflight really tight*

Sandstorm:"Don't say that about my precious baby." *Glares at every cat*

*everycat avoids her gaze*

Leafpool:"Shame! Shame on all of you!"

Dirtpaw(Squirrelflight):"I can't breath." *makes choking sound*

*Sandstorm and Leafpool let her go*

*Squirrelflight takes in a big breath*

Firestar:*looks at clan* "what's going on?"

Cloudstar(Cloudtail):*jumps off highledge onto Firestar*

Dovewing:*eats all of catmint*

Jayfeather:"it's a sign!"


Jayfeather:"that we are all going to die of Greencough."


Jayfeather:"I demand that you put aside your visions of killing Heathertail and steal catmint from Windclan for me!"

Lionblaze:"Never!" *runs out of camp to steal catmint*

Jayfeather:"that was easier than I thought it would be."

Dovewing: *tries to steal Jayfeather's stick*

Jayfeather: *takes stick and runs after Dovewing trying to hit her with it*

Dovewing: *screams like a Firestar* "help meh!"

Brambleclaw: "hi Lionblaze. Hi Jayfeather. Hi Leafpool. Hi Dirtpaw. Hi Berrynose. Hi Whitewing. Hi Cloudstar. Hi Tigerstar. Hi Hawkfrost."

Dirtpaw (Squirrelflight): "MY NAME IS SQUIRRELFLIGHT!" *eyes glow red and fur catcheson fire*

*tigerstar and Hawkfrost start singing Wrecking ball*

*clan scream*

Brambleclaw: "hmm...I've never hear of a Squirrelflight before."

Squirrelflight: *head explodes*

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