15. Aruganosu(Silver Lavasioth) and Goruganosu(Gold Lavasioth)

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Aruganosu, Silver Piscine Wyvern, and Goruganosu, Gold Piscine Wyvern, are 2 Piscine Wyverns that looks like 2 different colored Lavasioth. Their designs are really cool, having silver for Aru and Gold for Goru. Although they look like Lavasioth, they have extremely different elements. Aruganosu controls Ice while Goruganosu controls Thunder. Their attacks are charging and hipchecks, but they also have Combo moves. Once they meet after they come up from the ground, they go in a circle that produces a Tornado of Ice and Thunder, which is extremely powerful if a hunter get hit with the attack. Hunters need to attack when they don't do the attack

Reason why I love them: Aruganosu is called Silver Lavasioth and Goruganosu is called Gold Lavasioth. When one go on the ground limp and flopping like a fish, the hunters need to attack the other to finish the quest.

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