8. Tordicless

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Tordicless, a.k.a Shining Thunder Bird, is a Flying Bird Wyvern. His benign is really cool, having some resemblance to both the Thunderbird from Native American Mythology and the Roc from Arabian Mythology, but he's also based on many Birds of Prey today like Hawks, Falcons, Ospreys, and Eagles. Unlike most Flying Bird Wyverns, this guy is extremely powerful and dangerous once a hunter encounters him, but his behavior is stated to be mild-mannered. He is able to produce powerful lightning attacks, and he is able to do this by gathering and converting solar energy into lightning. Like the Gypceros, Tordicless can even make powerful flash attacks. He also has spines on his back and wings that he can throw at hunters. Hunters need to avoid his attacks in order to do damage to the Bird.

Reason why I love him: His design is badass, plus his attacks look really cool.

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