Saimatsu: "I'm sorry, I know it hurts."

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As she heard the bone crack the girl bit down on her tongue to stop herself from screaming while also distracting herself from the burning pain in her leg. Kaede felt tears fill her eyes as she looked up at the culprit.

Sympathetic green eyes stared back at her. "Kaede..." He reached his hand over to cup her cheek. The blonde tried to move away but the chain around her neck prevented that from happening. Forced to look at her captor she watched as his face morphed into a guilty expression.

Shuichi brought Kaede's head against his chest. "I'm sorry," he hugged her, but it wasn't as rough or possessive as the other ones she was used to. This one felt warm and protective and if Kaede didn't know any better she would have thought he was comforting her.

"I know it hurts." He looked at the now swelling leg. "But," Shuichi held her tighter. "You tried to run away." His expression darkened and his whisper turned into a growl, "And I can't have that."

Kaede didn't even realize she was crying until she felt Shuichi's thumb wipe her tears. "Don't cry, sweetheart." He tried to comfort but that only resulted in the girl crying harder. Shuichi stared at Kaede blankly and just hugged the girl as she continued to cry.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2022 ⏰

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