Chapter 1: Friends

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Dipper was sitting in the Mystery Shack reading his journal. He had already read each page almost 1000 times. He was board because Mabel was having a sleepover with her friends so he decided to go take a walk through town.

Dipper started his walk, grateful for the cool summer breeze. As he was walking along, Dipper saw Pacifica walking past the diner. She spotted him and walked over.

"Hey Dipper," she said smiling, " It's been awhile."

"Oh hi Pacifica! How've you been?," Dipper replied

"I'm ok I guess. My parents hate me now because of what happened at the party. I go on walks a lot so I can avoid them."

"I'm sorry," Dipper said," that must suck." Dipper looked over at the diner and realized that he was very hungry. "Do you maybe wanna go get something to eat at the diner?," Dipper asked Pacifica.

"Ok," she replied ," I haven't eaten lunch yet and I'm getting pretty hungry."

The two walked into the diner and ordered their meals. They said nothing as they ate until Pacifica decided to break the silence.

"How's Mabel?," she asked.

Dipper replied," She's good but she isn't home today. She's having a sleepover with her friends."

"Oh. Is there anyone else with you at the shack?"

"No," Dipper replied.

"That sucks. It must get pretty lonely being there all by yourself. I get like that a lot too because I live in a big mansion and I don't really talk to my parents," answered Pacifica.

"I don't really get lonely but I do get board," replied Dipper.

The two finished their meal and left the diner. "Do you maybe wanna go on a walk with me tomorrow?," Pacifica asked Dipper once they were outside the diner.

"Ok," Dipper answered. They said their goodbyes and set off in opposite directions. Pacifica went back to her mansion and got in bed without saying a word to her parents. she couldn't wait until her walk with Dipper the next day.

Dipper returned to the Mystery Shack and climbed into bed. He was unable to sleep so he decided to read. He read a few chapters and finally decided that he needed to get some sleep. He lay still thinking about how glad he was that Pacifica had changed. He looked forward to their walk tomorrow. Dipper drifted off into sleep.

*here is the end of chapter one. I will post part two as soon as I finish.Like the story so far? Tell me what you think*

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