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Platonic Yandere(s): Todoroki Family
Prompt: Hubris - I will destroy everything in my way until I have you.

He was on your tail. Him and his sick family who kept on confusing you for their 'little sister' or 'daughter' despite the fact that you looked nothing like them. The abandoned warehouse you used as a base for your vigilante work succumbing to flames. However your running was futile as proved by the wall of flames that suddenly flared up in front of you. It being so sudden that your sleeve caught on fire. A quick stop, drop and roll later and you were now nursing a severely burned arm. Stumbling forward blindly as you grew lightheaded from smoke inhalation. You were about to pass out, and probably never wake back up, when the wall next to you was knocked down and you were pulled out of the burning warehouse by the person who'd started the fire in the first place. "I will destroy everything in my way until I have you safe in my arms again. Now come along darling, Natsuo will need to look at that burn of yours." That's the story of how you were kidnapped by Endeavor- sorry- surprise adopted by your new dad and brought home to your new family!

A/N: Apologies for the length. I know it's short but I'm exhausted from school and swim practice. Promise something longer tomorrow!
Sincerely, Bee

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