Winter Owens & the Jewel of Ashes

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"This is all because of that damned Phoenix." I grumbled as I hung upside in the middle of the sweltering jungle.

The blood was rushing to my head, my ankles were chafing thanks to the roughest rope I have ever had the displeasure of feeling, and little black dots began to fade in and out of my vision. Despite the lightheadedness, I was distinctly aware of the Jewel of Ashes smacking me in the face as it narrowly clung to my neck.

If I hadn't found this necklace in that antique shop, I would've never started this stupid journey! I said to myself, thinking about that day from nearly a week ago. I just had to activate an ancient quest to save all of civilization. And to boot, I've fallen for the most basic trap that's ever existed. I mean, seriously. Why couldn't I have been content with reading webtoons and drinking an unhealthy amount of caffeine?

"Ugh!" I groaned, instantly regretting it. I gasped sharply--lungs burning as I tried to calm myself.

"Winter," A man spoke teasingly. "Taking on a new perspective?"

I swore as my body twirled--like a pendulum--to spot the ever tenacious Axel Lark.

"Need a hand there?" I could hear his smirk as he chuckled.

"Nope!" I squirmed, attempting the hardest sit-up of my life and failing miserably. Before Axel could make a sound, I shouted. "Don't. Just, don't!"

"Fine, but my offer still stands." His violet eyes held his amusement while his tone was steady. "But it'll cost you the Jewel of Ashes."

"You'll have to take it from my corpse!" I shouted, weakly clutching the pendent as my head swelled.

"Should I wait a few more minutes then?" he shrugged, leaning against the nearest tree.

I glowered at him--my grasp tightening around the pendant. Before I completely passed out, I vaguely saw Axel throw something just as I felt his arms wrap securely around me.


"Come now, Winter." Axel's voice echoed, distantly. "It can't be that easy to get rid of you."

"You wish, bird-boy." I grumbled, reaching for my head. It throbbed heavily as I took slow breaths to sit up. However, it didn't take long for me to realize that something was wrong. Suddenly, I gasped, and reached for the pendant. When my hand didn't feel the cool gem pressed against my chest, I panicked.

Shit! Without this jewel, the world--

"Looking for this?" Axel asked, the Jewel of Ashes dangling  between his fingers.

"Give it back." I glowered, standing too fast and nearly toppling over.

Maybe I would've gotten a concussion to top off the greatest day ever, but Axel reached for me. His free hand grasping my forearm and pulling me towards him.

I braced myself against his chest as I looked up at those gorgeous eyes. They were just narrowly hidden by wisps of his golden blonde hair. I swallowed a lump in my throat--blushing as his gaze softened.

Um... hello! I yelled at myself. Not now! He's literally the enemy!!

Now, normally, I would revel in any opportunity where a smokeshow of a man wants to hold me in his arms, and dot, dot, dot. But now was NOT the time.

Before I could get swept away any further, I leered at Axel, harshly. "Give me the pendant."

He raised a mischievous eyebrow. "That's not gonna happen."

Irritated, I reached for the hand that held the Jewel. As if it was all a game, he moved his hand above his head, knowing I would be helpless against his six-foot stature.

I released a huff of a growl as I glared at his hand, and then, his handsome smug face. "Do you think this is funny!?" I finally snapped.

"Right now, yes." Axel's smirk quickly shifted downward--his expression surprisingly despondent. "Overall, no. I don't think this is funny. I think you're going to get yourself killed trying to return the Jewel of Ashes. And I think that you're going to take the rest of us with you."

My shoulders relaxed as I realized Axel was just as stressed out as I am. And while I empathize like crazy, I couldn't let him stop me from breaking the curse. From saving the world just because his people believed the Jewel belonged with them.

My hand reached up again, but this time, it was to cup his face. He took a few wary steps back. But I pushed forward until my hand laid against his cheek. His violet eyes zeroed in on my mismatched orbs.

"Why didn't you just leave when you got the pendant?" I asked, my thumb gently rubbing against him.

"This might come as a surprise, but I've no desire to actually harm you."

"No?" I asked, reaching on tiptoes towards his face. "That's good to know."

Before our lips could touch, I reached for his lowered hand, snatched the jewel, and shoved Axel into the very trap that started this whole predicament. His body flailed up the way one might snap a towel in the air.

I resisted the urge to laugh as all his loose items fell to the ground. One of which, was a dagger. I quickly placed the Jewel of Ashes around my neck before picking up Axel's weapon.

The look of shock on his face was priceless, but quickly replaced with anger. "Winter!" he shouted. "Don't do this! Get me down! Now!"

"Sorry, Axel." I winked. "Believe it or not, I don't want to see you hurt either, but I need a head start. Maybe next time we can pick up where we left off."

I went over to the rope that was holding bird-boy hostage. I made a small incision on the rope--just enough to begin to slowly unwind it.

Before the rope unraveled further, I made a run for it. Away from Axel and towards the Crypt of Resurrection.

I only had one more day to make it there or none of us would live to see the next one.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2021 ⏰

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