Chapter 1: The breakdown

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Noelle POV:

The hot light beaming down on me squeezes beads of sweat from my skin. I can feel the water droplets on my forehead, and the tar stage underneath my feet. My heart is heavy against my chest, and I can feel each beat pulsate through my body. This is my last performance before my chance to get into the best ballet agency in France. I can't mess it up.

The stage manager introduces my unfamiliar name to the crowd, he speaks warmly and quickly, the words falling from his mouth like strings of honey falling from a honey dripper. My toes are compacted in the tight space of my pointe shoes, screaming to be let out. My shoes are old and worn, disintegrating with time. I wish I could've bought a new pair for this performance, but I also need food, so they'll have to do. A jolt of adrenaline shoots through my veins as the music starts playing, and I am met with the hundreds of eyes on me. My body starts moving automatically, perfecting every count without flaw.

1-2-3-4, 1-2-3 plié 1-2-3-4, 1-2 relevé 1-2-3-4, 1-2-3 plié 1-2-3-4, chaine, chaine, chaine.

That's when I catch a glimpse of his rugged complexion, features draped by the use of cocaine and meth. My father. No, it can't be. He left so many years ago. Why would he come back now, and how did he find me?

My thoughts engross me, it's getting harder and harder to focus when I know his eyes are gazing down on me. He's proud of my achievements, you can tell by his witty smile, but there is nothing to be proud of. He was never there. He never helped me. My mind draws a blank, and my stinging eyes begin to burn with tears. The melody plays on without my movements accompanying it. I have to force my breath from my lungs as I stand there, this wasn't supposed to happen.

It was my father. It's all his fault. It's always been his fault. He ruined my performance, and now I stand like an unanimated doll in some little girl's music box, watching the crowd just as they watch me. The choir of gasps makes it worse, now the crowd is realizing my mistake, my dad's mistake. My eyes meet my fathers, and I've noticed his expression has lightened into a smile, and a light chuckle escaped his lips. He's not worried about me, he's not worried that my organs are boiling inside my body, he thinks it's funny. He's laughing. He's always been boorish, but I'd never expect him to do this.

That's when the music comes to a stop, and the snickers and whispers of the crowd have amplified themselves. I completely break down inside. I'm ready to give up being a dancer forever, quit my dreams, end it here. End the utter embarrassment I'll never live down. I am despondent, my spirits crushed by the judging crowd. Some look down in pity, some laugh.

This has never happened before, this is so foreign to me. I am made for the stage, I'm confident and usually ignite the stage with life. But once again, my dad has crushed my spirits and has crushed my life.

A woman crows from the front row, "get off the stage darl! It's not worth the embarrassment." That's when I'm pulled from my thoughts. I nudge myself off the stage, legs trembling as I enter the wings.

My best friend, Jeneya, runs to catch me as my body gives in, she takes me to a seat and brings me water and a sandwich. I pull chunks from the sandwich, and wash them down with the water.

"It happens sometimes, love. You can't be perfect." My best friend gave a reassuring smile.

"My dad... he was there." her face drops, "wait, what? He was? I thought he left when you were 14?" I pant, trying to catch my breath, "so did i.."

"Hold on, I'll be right back, I'm just gonna get you an ice pack to cool you down." she said hurrying off.

I slide off the chair and onto the cold, hard floor trying to calm down but all i can think about is that pricks, dumb smirking face. All of a sudden everything starts spinning and my heart starts to race again, "no, no, no, not now, please." I whisper to myself. My hands quickly turn clammy and I can feel the blood rushing from my face down to my feet like a waterfall, turning me a dull white. I try to keep my eyes open, as well as my body from heaving over and collapsing, but it's too difficult. My head feels so cloudy. From what I could make out was a tall lean figure rushing over towards me, and I could feel his strong grasp latch onto my body. "HEY! Can I get some help over here! she's passing o....". Everything goes black. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2021 ⏰

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