Chapter 3

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Doctor"mike is okay now downy worry.but I'm is he
suffering from something like family abuse?"

Nanny:hm no no .

Doctor:self h@rm cause that was a-

Nancy:can I go in

Doctor:ya ya come

Will:can I com Nancy

Nancy:ya ya come

The enter will say on couch

Nancy:u am so disappointed Mike why would u try to do that-

Someone:it the time he always used to do that it's isn't a new thing

Nancy saw the door it was Dustin and Lucas
Lucas:I am sorry Mike but we have to say this I know it was supposed to be secret and never tell anyone we told u before if u try to do it again we will tell them

Mike:why would u say that.Nancy there lying

Nancy looked at like and said "bring ur hand"

Mike:no the hell leave me alone

Nancy:BRING.UR HAND.MIKE I can't tell let me see and see if ur friends saying the truth

Mike:no stop Nancy don't do this to me leave me

Nancy took his hand and said:take ur jacket off I wanna see ur hand


Nancy left up the jacket in the hand part

Nancy:Mike what the hell.

Dustin:that's why he always wear a jacket

Nancy:mike u should tell me what ur going through I am listening TELL ME UR SO DUMB TO DO SUCH AN ASSHOLE THE HELL IS THAT WHAT PEOPLE ARE GONNA SAY THEY WILL TALK ABOUT US

will in a low voice said:at lest Dont yell at him

Nancy:everyone hush and u dumb ass will tell me WHT THE HELL DID U DO THAT PEOPLE WILL TALK ABOUT US

mike was tearing up:ya think about me before y think what people will talk and say about us I been suffering from this for years u should've helped me not come and scream at me this breaking my heart Nancy dad told me I am not his son and he still dose that why and mom dosent give a SHIT ABOUT ME and

Mike took of the things in his hand from the hospital and ran outside Nancy saw him she tried stopping him and saying sorry but he ran

Will ran outside and saw mike outside far away from his running to the house in the forest he went there he tried catching mike after 2 mins there far away will catches mike.mike tried running but Will hold him from his jacket

"No mike please don't I am sorry I was a total asshole I don't what happened to think u cheated one me I am a asshole I was so dumb"

"It's not u..." mike said "what do u mean it wasn't my fault" Will said
"No it was some fan problem I did cry for u in the bathroom but when I thought what dad said I did it"

"My poor baby" Will said and hugged mike they went to the forest house and they saw in the bed cuddling

•at 7pm•
Will:let's go back it late

Mike:no babe u can go I want to stay here I can't look at Nancy face

Will:you will be okay right?

Mike:yes yes babe u can go it's totally okay

Will left and mike slept

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