[Female] Reader x [SDC] Jean Pierre Polnareff

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⚠️Warning ⚠️ I Did not read over this so sorry if the wording or it sounds weird same goes with grammar
Female pronouns
Mr Joestar, your uncle, father of your cousin,Holly, who recently fell ill and now your were travelling all the way to Egypt to defeat dio and cure her but in the mean time you were squashed in a jeep with 5 men Avdol,Jotaro,Kakyoin,Joseph and Polnareff... Polnareff the flirtatious French man that tries to get in any girls pants that he can but somehow he stole your heart with his goofy personality and his handsome face if I'm going to be honest I don't know why all these bitch's keep on rejecting him Why? ( because there on my dick jk) Why?How? Polnareff is such an amazing guy how could you not love home his nice and caring he respects and is kind to really anyone and is wonderful to woman yet somehow they just don't like him and break his heart some inch of me is happy he gets rejected because it gives me a chance to make more moves but at the same time it crushes my heart to see him hurt and yet even though I haven't know home that long I still have a fat crush on him but now I think the crusaders are starting to catch on what's happening with me and why I get so red and nervous around him and only him at first they thought it was just hot weather but that doesn't explain the nervousness and don't get me started when he gives me affection
Joseph- "Hey, (Y/N), you okay back there"
(Y/N)- "Yeah Why?"
(Y/N)- "Jesus Christ no need to yell I'm not deaf, I'm sorry"
Joseph- "it's okay"
Jotaro- "Yare Yare Daze"
Joseph- "where almost at the hotel we will be staying in boys and girl"
We arrive at the hotel we would be staying at for the night since it was getting late and we were getting more restless so we Decided to stop our little journey and call it a night while my uncle was booking the rooms we were all chilling and talking in the lobby it was very loud today and now to think of it it's also very busy, well hopefully there are still rooms available for us
Welp this is going to be a long night
Polnareff- "Do you think there's only 3 rooms?"
Y/N- "Hmmm I wonder y'know uncle totally isn't telling the whole world right now"
Polnareff- "I know I'm just joking with you hehe"
You both giggled together.
After our quick conversation mr.joestar started to walk over to us all
Joseph- "Well sadly there is only 3 rooms available to us 2 being shared rooms sorry about that (Y/N)"
(Y/N)- "That's okay it gets boring by myself it will be nice to have a roommate!" You said with a smile Joseph smiled back
Avdol- "Well I can room with you mr joestar if that's okay"
Joseph- " of course!"
Kakyoin- " Well I'll room with Jotaro since we are both students" jotaro nodded
Polnareff- "Well I guess that leaves me with the beautiful (Y/N)!" He said with his cheeky smile that you absolutely adored
(Y/N)- "Yayyy!" you said with a light shade of pink on your face and a grin ear to ear from his complement
Joseph- "Well it's settled here's the keys everyone Jotaro,Kakyoin your in room 123,
(Y/N),Polnareff room 145 and me and avdol will be in room 125 call our rooms if you encounter an enemy stand user or if something is wrong, Alright let's head out, but wait polnareff can I talk to you before you go
Polnareff- "Oui, Monsieur Joestar, You can head to our room (Y/N) I'll be there in a moment" he said with a sweet smile
(Y/N)- "Okay!"

Polnareff's POV
Monsieur joestar had asked to speak to me curious of what it was I excepted
Polnareff- "Oui?"
Joseph started to go closer to polnareff's ear and said
Joseph- "if you do anything to my niece you will not see the light of day ever again"
Polnareff- " Y-y-yes of course monsieur joestar" I said with a stutter because of the sudden surprise and shock I had but then it hit me I was sharing a room with a woman! A WOMAN! Especially a cute one a woman that even though I flirt with other woman I have only actually had eyes for her she was such an amazing girl she's cute,nice,caring,strong but then my thoughts turned into non-wholesome really fast thinking about everything I want to do with her and my pants seemed to be getting tighter luckily it was not very noticeable so I could probably get to our room without nobody noticing I said goodbye to Monsieur joestar and headed to 145.
When I got to the room I opened the door to find (Y/N) already crashed out on the bed I was only gone for like 2 minutes damn she must be really tired that's when it hit him wait there's only one bed oh 'DID WE GET THE SINGLE SINGLE ROOM!' a perverted smirk formed my face wait get it together jean no dirty thoughts she only thinks of you as a friend and besides if mr joestar finds out I did anything like that to his niece I'm screwed in fact actually I'll be fucked then I heard her
Y/N- "Pol is that you?" She said while rubbing her eyes a looking for her glasses
Polnareff-"Yeah what's wrong?" He said with a gentle voice while he squat down next to her side of the bed and handed her, her glasses
Y/N- "Thanks you but I have a question or a favour to ask you" now that she could see better she looked at him
Polnareff- "Yeah what is it?"
Y/N- "Can you cuddle with me?, I'm sorry if that sounds weird I'm just stupid"
Polnareff- "Non Non Non Non It's not weird at all how could I reject that offer from just such a beautiful woman"
Her beautiful cheeks flushed a dark crimson colour while she tried to cover her face in the blanket which was absolutely adorable I got into the bed and immediately grabbed her waist and pulled her in now she was basically getting smothered with affection we both stayed there for a good 10 minutes and god I almost feel asleep like this but then Y/N spoke up and muttered under her breath
Y/N- "Fuck it"
Y/N- "Hey Polnareff I've been meaning to tell you this for a long time but I love you Jean Pierre you make me so happy and you always know how to make me smile and laugh no matter what and I know this is really sudden but I want to spend the rest of my life may death only take us apart" I was in shock for a while but then I quickly grabbed her cheeks and kissed her passionately and I could tell she was melting Into the kiss I pulled back from the kiss and said to her lovingly
Polnareff- "I Love You too" and I started to kiss her again

The end
I hope you enjoyed :D
Word count- 1264

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